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HOTLAB conference 2021

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26/09/2021 - 30/09/2021

Prague, Czech Republic



HOTLAB 2021, is the 57th edition of the „Annual meeting on Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling“, it is hosted by the Research Centre Řež (CVŘ). The first meeting was held in Cadarache, France, in 1963. Since then the reason of the annual meeting is to share experience, know-how and to start the collaboration in all aspect of nuclear R&D. This meeting is intended for technicians, operators, engineers, researchers, suppliers and managers working at and for nuclear R&D facilities – hot cells.

Download a print version of our first announcement here.


  • Design and Construction of New Facilities
  • Ageing Management and Refurbishment
  • Remote Handling, Automation and Transport for Hot labs
  • PIE (destructive/non-destructive)
  • Safety and Regulation Issues (Transport, Operations License – Facility/Cask, Human Resources, …)
  • Commercial presentations


Preliminary programme

  • 26.09.2021 Sunday - Welcome drink on the roof of the hotel
  • 27.09.2021 Monday - Conference, Gala dinner
  • 28.09.2021 Tuesday - Conference
  • 29.09.2021 Wednesday - Conference
  • 30.09.2021 Thursday - Technical visit CVŘ

Required knowledge

The conference will consist of oral and poster presentations. All abstracts of contributors will be included in a Book of Abstracts to be distributed to all attendees at the venue. All final extended abstracts of registered contributorswillbepublishedintheonlineHOTLAB Extended Abstracts. The extended abstract will have minimum of two pages (including figures). The authors are asked to use the attached document as a template and follow the recommendations for the style. Your abstract should be submitted via e-mail to the addressinfo [at] hotlab2021 [dot] com ( info[at]hotlab2021[dot]com).

Important dates

  • 20.05.2021 Web page will be open for registration
  • 01.06.2021 Abstracts submission deadline
  • 20.06.2021 Abstract acceptance notification
  • 01.08.2021 Extended Abstracts submission deadline
  • 01.08.2021 Conference registration deadline
  • 10.08.2021 Conference confirmation (based on the number of participants)

Registration info

Registration fees: 600 € - before June 30, 2021, 650 € - after June 30, 2021 (VAT is included). Registration to HOTLAB 2021 has to be done online and the conference and technical tour fees are payable by the transfer of money on bank account. The conference fee includes the attendance to all workshop sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, cultural programme & dinner, and the transportation to and technical visits to the CVŘ research facilities. An additional fee will be charged for the optional tour. The online registration desk will be open in May 2021. Note that the registration fee does not include hotel accommodation. Delegates must make their own accommodation arrangements directly with the hotel (see section Accommodation below).


Vienna House Diplomat Prague

Evropská 370/15, Prague, Czech Republic

The delegates must secure their own accommodation, independent of the registration process. Rooms are blocked out for the HOTLAB meeting for the period September 26–30, 2021 (details on hotel website). However, downtown Prague is quite compact, and there are many other hotels to choose from as well, but no other reservations have been made in any other hotels by the organizer.

Travel information

Czech Republic is in the middle of the Europe, it is served by the Václav Havel Airport Prague (PRG). The Airport is served by taxis and buses to Prag. The Vienna House Diplomat Prague is close to the ”Dejvická” metro, tram and bus stops, and is only 17 min (11 km) from the airport by taxi.

Technical exhibition

During the conference, an exhibition will run alongside the conference sessions in the spacious lobby area next to the meeting room, to give interested parties the opportunity to present their solutions and products at tables. There is plenty of space, but it is available on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition to the registration fee of each delegate, an exhibition fee of 250 EUR is charged for each table. Please send your interest to HOTLAB 2021 secretariat iinfo [at] hotlab2021 [dot] com (nfo[at]hotlab2021[dot]com).


Details of the conference, will be announced on the website If you have any questions, please contact the HOTLAB 2021 secretariat info [at] hotlab2021 [dot] com (info[at]hotlab2021[dot]com).

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