2023 - Knoxville, USA
- Aaron Chiu - Fuel Transfer in the Used Fuel Packaging Plant for Canada’s CANDU Reactor used fuel.pdf
- Adam Robinson - High Performance Research Reactor Fuel Qualification - What, Why and How.pdf
- Adrien GUYOT - “AD System” a Safe, Fast and Ergonomic Glove changing system.pdf
- April Lancashire - Modifying analytical equipment without original manufacturer support for nuclear containment.pdf
- Atsushi Sakamoto - Microwave plasma-assisted combustion of waste organic solvents.pdf
- B. D. Miller - Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL) Overview.pdf
- Ben Garrison - Optimized Mechanical Testing Specimens from Nuclear Cladding Tubes for Hot Cell Testing.pdf
- Brent Beatty - Radioisotope Processing Facility (RPF) Modular Hot Cell Design Concept.pdf
- Carwyn Jones - The Active Cells Facility and Remote Handling in ESS, 2023 update.pdf
- Charlotte Vernon - Characterisation, Segregation and Disposal of Historic Samples.pdf
- Chirag K. Vyas - From Blueprint to Reality, Hot Cell Construction for Isotope Harvesting Project.pdf
- Christopher Dane - Nuclear Gloveboxes Since 1945.pdf
- François Gobin - Benefits of virtual reality for the design of new hot cells.pdf
- Gautier Koenig - Molten Salts Gloveboxes.pdf
- Henk Nolles - Extension of Hot Cell Line at the Material Research Facility.pdf
- Henry Korellis - Kairos Power Remote Maintenance Component Feature Development.pdf
- Hotlab 2024 team - Invitation Hotlab 2024.pdf
- Jared Bower - HOTLAB 2023 Hot Cell Design and Fabrication ROBATEL Corporate Experience.pdf
- Jason Klein-Horsman - Advanced Nuclear Materials Research Centre.pdf
- Jay Horin - Hot Cell to Type B Transportation Cask Transfer Systems.pdf
- Jean-Michel Wagner - Advancing Automation in Hot Cells with LIROB.pdf
- Jonas Martinsson - Hot cell logistics – transferring, storing and maintenance of contaminated in-cell equipment. How to maximize the Hot Cell capacity.pdf
- Jordan Argyle - Modification of large hot cell for complex nuclear fuel experiment assembly and disassembly.pdf
- Justin Yarrington - Optical Microscopy Visual Upgrades in the HFEF Argon and Metallograph Loading Cells.pdf
- Kailash Agarwal - IAEA Activities on Nuclear Fuel Engineering and Post Irradiation Examination.pdf
- Ki-soo Heo - Development of Machining Technique for Reactor Internals in Hot Cell.pdf
- L. Chauvin - Co source renewal for spent fuel studies under interim storage conditions in ATALANTE facility.pdf
- Marco Streit - Hotlab 25+ The Lifetime Extension Project Of The SWISS Hot-Laboratory.pdf
- Matthew Barker - Three Hot-Cell Challenge Themes.pdf
- National Nuclear Laboratory - Hotlab 2022 announcement.pdf
- Niklas Snis - Automatic inert gas fire suppression system in fuel PIE hot cells. Upgrades and full-scale tests.pdf
- Ondřej Srba - Unusual problems during PIE.pdf
- Paul Cantonwine - Calibration of the Cyclic Integrated Reversible-Bending Fatigue Test (CIRFT) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.pdf
- Peter Doyle - Development of Tools for the Examination of Post-Burst Rods Exposed to LOCA-type Events in the SATS system.pdf
- Petr Svrcula - Enhancing Conveyor Hot Cell Reliability, Replacement of Damaged Drive Wire Rope.pdf
- Phil Petersen - Optimized Ring Tension Test (RTT) In-Cell Grip Qualification.pdf
- Radim Kopriva - Challenges for Hot Cells in the Utilization of Highly Irradiated Structural Materials from the Decommissioned Jaslovske Bohunice NPP Reactor Internals.pdf
- Refa Artika - Image Enhancement on Short PIN PWR Fuel Contains Natural UO2 Pellets Post Digital X-Ray Radiography Test Using ImageJ Program.pdf
- Robert Cox - Hot Cell Material Transfers, Managing Vertical Loading and Offloading Horizontally.pdf
- Robert Zubler - Handling of nuclear fuel cladding for hydrides analysis with neutron imaging and synchrotron methods.pdf
- Rose Montgomery - Studying the respirable airborne release from spent nuclear fuel fractures.pdf
- Ryan Schultz - Challenges Encountered While Replacing the SNS Ring Injection Dump Beam Stop and Window.pdf
- Sheewa Xihuahe Feng - Chemical and Radiation Effects from Hanford Tank Waste on Tank-Deployable Reference Electrodes.pdf
- Steve Schrick - PIE Capabilities for the Second Target Station.pdf
- Thomas Vercouter - Overview of the experimental capacity of the LECI hotlab facility and recent advances.pdf
- V. V. Jayaraj - Performance assessment of FBTR driver fuel after 105 GWd t burn-up operated at a uniform high LHR of 400 W cm.pdf
- W. David Pointer - Welcome.pdf
- Wade Karlsen - Development of a waste description for final disposal of the operational waste of a structural materials R&D hot cell facility.pdf
- William F. Cureton - Post Irradiation Examination of TRISO Fuel at ORNL.pdf
- Yong Yan - Transient Fission Gas Release System for Irradiated Fuel Under Loss-of-Coolant Accident Conditions.pdf
- Young Gwan Jin - Hot Cell Testing of Baffle Former Bolts Removed from Pressurized Water Reactor.pdf
- Yoshinori Ohtake - Basic Study on Separation of Radioactive Cesium from Incinerator Ash Using Electro Kinetic (EK) Method.pdf
- Book of abstracts.pdf
2022 - Manchester, UK
- Anders Puranen - Characterisation of Legacy Waste Based on Neutron Gamma Emission Tomography.pdf
- B.D. Miller - Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL) Overview.pdf
- Carwyn Jones - ESS update – ACF (Active Cells Facility) & cutting trials.pdf
- CEA - De la recherche à l'industrie.pdf
- Coraline Hossepied & Isabelle Mouton - Nuclearization of Atom Probe Tomography and the Workflow Analysis. Atomic-Scale Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Materials at LECI Hotlab.pdf
- D. Wright - Return of experience from operating hot cells during Covid-19 pandemic.pdf
- Daniel Lyngh - Remote Handling Design for Target Assembly at ORNL Second Target Station.pdf
- Dave Hutchinson & David Heyes - Application of Laser Raman Spectroscopy to Measure Zr-Oxide Layer Thickness in Zircaloy Cladding.pdf
- David Wyn Williams MChem - The Nuclear Lab Technician’s group Building a community for laboratory technicians in the nuclear sector.pdf
- Gary Linnett - Eddy Current Testing at Windscale Active Handling Facility.pdf
- Grant Minor - Conceptual Design of a Used Fuel Packaging Plant for Canada’s CANDU Reactor Nuclear Waste.pdf
- Guy Cornelis - The skills lab.pdf
- H. Nolles - Design and Integration of a Small Scale Mechanical Tester into a Shielded Research Room at the MRF.pdf
- Harry Robinson - Shaft Cutting Station (SCS) - ACF cutting trials in July 2022.pdf
- Helmi FR - Development Hot Cell Manipulator Instrument Based On Computer Vision For Handling Nuclear Fuels.pdf
- Hotlab 2022 - Sponsored Awards.pdf
- Hotlab 2022 UK organising committee - 58TH Annual Meeting Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling Working Group.pdf
- Idaho National Laboratory - Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EML) and Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory (IMCL).pdf
- Jason M. Harp - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Hot Cells for Nuclear Fuel and Materials Characterization part 1.pdf
- Jason M. Harp - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Hot Cells for Nuclear Fuel and Materials Characterization part 2.pdf
- Javin DeVreede - Advanced Nuclear Materials Research Centre. Facility Overview.pdf
- Jeroen van Gent - Legacy waste. Characterization and relocation to the National Intermediate Storage Facility.pdf
- Justin D. Yarrington - Advanced Automated Welding for Refabrication and Follow-On Testing of Previously Irradiated Nuclear Fuel.pdf
- K. Agarwal - IAEA activities on Nuclear Fuel engineering and PIE Database.pdf
- Katie Munter - Telemanipulator Repair Glovebox.pdf
- M. Braun Inertgas Systeme GmbH - Company Presentation.pdf
- M. Morales - Experimental Design of an AGR Fuel Corrosion Test Rig.pdf
- Magnus GOHRAN - ITER Hot Cell Facility.pdf
- Marie Busquet - Maximizing HA&MA analytical capability whilst minimising in-cell equipment through modularization & bespoke solution.pdf
- Matthew Barker - Civil PIE at NNL the previous decades… the next decade.pdf
- Matthew Zora & Elese Lapinsky - Cleaning Cell Characteristics Developed to Support Analytical Examination of Irradiated Specimens.pdf
- NOMATEN Teaming Project - NOMATEN Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications.pdf
- Optique Peter - Optical equipment for Hot Laboratories, Glove box, Hot cell.pdf
- Phil Earp - Hot Cell Extension Project at the Materials Research Facility.pdf
- Phil Petersen - Novel Design of Ring Tension Test Grips for Fuel Cladding Mechanical Testing.pdf
- Phil Winston - Remote Oxide Surface Sampling and Analysis of Irradiated Aluminum Research Reactor Fuels.pdf
- Priti Kotak Shah - Use of non conventional specimen for estimating transverse tensile properties of irradiated clads inside hotcells.pdf
- Rebecca O’Neill - Adaptations of the PIE Material Characterisation Process at the UK NNL (Forensic Vs Production Approach).pdf
- Robert Zubler - Improvements of sample holder and preparation for high-resolution neutron imaging of spent fuel cladding sections.pdf
- Robin Grabherr - Determination of the fission gas composition of a fuel rod by an advanced technique.pdf
- Roland Brütsch - First results of FIBSEM XB540 on unirradiated cladding and fuel 2.pdf
- Roland Brütsch - First results of FIBSEM XB540 on unirradiated cladding and fuel.pdf
- S.C. Vogel - Characterization of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels with Pulsed Neutrons.pdf
- Sarah Saannouni - Installation of a resonant fatigue testing machine for fatigue pre-cracking tests in hot cell.pdf
- Science and Technology Facilities Council - Remote Retrieval and Handling Facility.pdf
- Simon M. Pimblott - Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) Overview and Status.pdf
- Stephanie Campbell - Measuring the Resolution of Digital Images in a Hot Cell.pdf
- Steve Schrick - Design Considerations for a Service Cell Facility for the Second Target Station.pdf
- A. Reavie - Aging Hot Cell Facility Upgrade Project, Overview & Results..pdf
2021 - Prague, Czech Republic
2019 - Mammallapuram, India
- Amarendra G. - Preface.pdf
- Vyas K.N. - Message.pdf
- Arun Kumar Bhaduri - Message.pdf
- Programme.pdf
- Advertisements.pdf
- List of Participants.pdf
Profile of Organisers
Extended abstracts
- Rondinella V.V. - Geneal Configuration, Recent Developments and Perspectived of the Hot Cells Capabilities at JRC Karlsruhe.pdf
- Jong Monica - UKAEA Materials Research Facility, Growing into Mature Levels.pdf
- Rubén O. - New Argentinean Project Laboratory for the study of irradiated materials associated to RA10 Research Reactor.pdf
- Varah S. - Radioactive Waste Processing and Medical Isotope Harvesting Requirements for a New Hot Cell at TRIUM.pdf
- Ruhela S.P. - Pyro Process Research & Development Facility A Test bed for Engineering Technologies for metal fuel reprocessing .pdf
- Mincu M. - Infrastructure for Production of Radioisotopes and Progress in Mo99 Production from LEU Targets .pdf
- Winston Philip - INL Visual Examination Machine Periscope Upgrade.pdf
- Velnom L. - Decontamination and Dismantling of a Modular Steel Alpha Chamber for JRC Karlsruhe Hot Cells .pdf
- Barbara C. - Ageing Management and Refurbishment of Existing Hot.pdf
- Cutler C. - Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Hot Cell Renovation .pdf
- Winston S. Joseph - Force estimation and feed back control of the Servo Manipulator for the remote handling use in Hot Cells.pdf
- Sakthivel M. - Development of In-cell Crane for use in Lead Cell.pdf
- Kalaiarasu T. - Dissolution and Solvent Extraction of Sr-89 in Hot cells.pdf
- Sharma Kuldeep - Mobile Hot Cell for Disused Source Recovery.pdf
- Minor Grant - A new Remote Handling Facility for Radioactive High-power Fission and Spallation ISOL Targets at TRIUMF .pdf
- Manoravi P. - Spatial profile studies of nuclear material burn-up by Laser Ablation-Ionization.pdf
- Maity U.K. - Laser Induced Break down Spectroscopy (LIBS) A tool for identification of fuel pin failure by monitoring He gas.pdf
- Dash Shankar Bhabani - Investigation of Irradiation Induced Phase Formation at Ferroboron and SS 304L Clad Material Interface .pdf
- Savu Madalin - Destructive Examination of Experimental CANDU Type Nuclear Fuel Tested in TRIGA Reactor.pdf
- Mishra Prerna - PIE of MOX fuel An Advanced PHWR Fuel.pdf
- Mao Jianjun - Effects of Second Phases on Charpy Impact Energy and .pdf
- Srba O. - Evaluation of mechanical properties of Zr cladding tubes for nuclear power plants .pdf
- Shah Priti Kotak - Recent studies on first generation indigenous Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube after 15.3 HOY .pdf
- Barker M.A. - Non-Destructive Testing Methods At Windscale Laboratory – Locating Failures in AGR Fuel..pdf
- Adam Martin - Development of Gamma Scanning Applications in Post Irradiation Examination.pdf
- Singh J.L. - Recent Advances in NDE Techniques During PIE of Irradiated Nuclear Materials.pdf
- Zubler Robert - High Resolution Neutron Imaging of Spent Fuel Cladding Sections.pdf
- Jayaraj V.V. - Radial Gamma Scanning System for Irradiated Fuel Pin Sections.pdf
- Anandaraj V. - Neutron Radiography Examination of Fast Reactor Fuels.pdf
- Dadang - Transfer Radioactive Waste Material in Hotcell 101 Radiometalurgi Via Transfer Channel Towards Interim .pdf
- Earle Isaac - Remote Handling Refurbishment Infrastructure for the ISAC High-Power Target Facility at TRIUMF.pdf
- Jones Carwyn - The Cask Assembly at ESS.pdf
- Cheutet Elodie - Commissioning a Secured Bottle to Transfer Highly Radioactive Solutions Between Two Hot Cells.pdf
- Ravi S. -Design of a Facility for In-Situ Creep Testing under Ion Irradiation of Fast Reactor Core Structural Materials.pdf
- Delrieu J. - Actinide Behavior in Biphasic Alpha Contaminated Waste Package.pdf
- Watanabe Sou - Treatment of Spent Solvent in STRAD Project .pdf
- Akila R. - Operational Health Physics surveillance in Post Irradiation Examination Lab – An Overview.pdf
- Kurata M. - Status of the OECD-NEA TCOFF Project in Support of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning.pdf
- Akinori Sato - The Constructing Status and Preliminary Evaluation for the Criticality Safety Design .pdf
- Gohran Magnus -The European Spallation Source ERIC -Active Cells Facility Construction and Design Update .pdf
- Gruber P. - Refurbishment of a Nuclear Facility in operation.pdf
- Mishra Sudhanshu - Design of Vacuum Distillation System to Remove Sodium from Irradiated Sodiu .pdf
- Subramanian GGS - Development of ICP-AES and LIBS Techniques Adapted to Lead Minicell and Glove Box Facilities Respectively .pdf
- Howard Cameron - Advanced Multi-Scale Post-Irradiation Experiments Link the Mechanical .pdf
- Shriwastaw R. S. - Effect of Post Irradiation Transient Heating on Ring Tensile Properties .pdf
- Morgan Susan - Development of Laser- Raman Microscopy and Microhardness Testing capability .pdf
- Dunn Kris - Implementation of A Shielded Dual Beam (SEM FIB) in the Fuels and Materials Hot Cells facility .pdf
- Mougnaud S. - Contribution of R&D hot cells laboratories to the recovery and repackaging of waste resulting from dismantling.pdf
- Selvakumar J. - Design and Performance of Glove-Box Adapted Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer for the Estimation .pdf
- Morreale Andrew - Collection of Information on International Hot Analysis Capabilities for the OECD NEA.pdf
Abstracts for poster presentations
- Svrcula P. - The Surveillance Program for the Life Extension of the Reactor LVR-15 .pdf
- Ida Yuma - Decontamination Work in the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility .pdf
- Dane Christopher - The R83 Package A new Type B{U) Fissile Package for .pdf
- Al Afghani - Expenditure of Microscope Units for Replacement of Optical .pdf
- Sekar K. - Maintenance and Upgradation of RML Hot Cell Ventilation .pdf
- Devaraj R. - Role of Control and Instrumentation Systems in Operation of RML Hotcell Facility.pdf
- Jayendrakumar D. - Development of Laboratory Scale Rotary Semi Continuous Dissolver for Nuclear Spent Fuel Reprocessing Facilities .pdf
- Uytdenhouwen I. - Set-up for Post-Irradiation Determination of Temperature .pdf
- Nakayoshi Akira - Current Situation of OECD NEA, Preparatory Study on Analysis of Fuel debris (PreADES) Project .pdf
- Ravilumar R. - Development of Technology for Remote Fabrication of .pdf
- Xiangyang Zhang - 3D Scanning System of Nuclear Fuel Assembly Detection.pdf
- Jones Leslie - ISIS Second Target Station Beam Entry Window Replacement .pdf
- Shin Hocheol - Design of a Remote Steel Pipe Cutting System for a High Place with Dual Arm Manipulators.pdf
- Kyu Dongseok - Remote MAG Welding System for Maintenance of Nuclear Facility .pdf
- Zhang Wei - High Temperature Blistering Test Device with Shielded Glove .pdf
- Caretta Otto - Remote Handling of Active Samples.pdf
- Ravi T. - Radiological Safety Considerations and 20 years Operational Health Physics Experience in Hot Cell Operations at Radio .pdf
- Dhanasekaran A. - Radiation Protection Aspects of Articulated Master Slave .pdf
- Selliez Christophe - PADIRAC Project for Fukushima Sample Extraction.pdf
- Kolhatkar Ashish - Our Experience with a Mobile Shielded Remote Handling System for Impact Testing of Radioactive Samples.pdf
- Padalakshmi M. - Bf3 Based Waste-Drum Assay System .pdf
- Vijayaragavan A. - Post Fukushima Safety Assessment and Upgradation of RML Hot Cell Facility.pdf
- Vijayaragavan A. - Post Fukushima Safety Assessment and Upgradation of RML Hot Cell Facility .pdf
Commercial Presentations
- Filere Clément - Used target management from Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory (ARIEL) Design of Hot Cell Facility .pdf
- Moret Mona P. - Electron Probe Micro Analysis for Nuclear Science.pdf
- Barker Steve - Building a Winning Formula.pdf
- Dane Christopher - The R80 Package.pdf
- C3- 12.20-12.40 Clement Filere Hot lab presentation 2019 CFI.pdf
- C4-12.40-13.00 MonaMoret-CAMECA_HOTLAB 2019-Moret Submitted.pdf
- C5- 13.00-13.20 Optique-Peter_HOTLAB2019.pdf
- C2-12.00-12.20 ROBATEL Industries - R80 CAROLINE package.pdf
- C1- 11.40-12.00 Barker Steve - Building a Winning Formula.pdf
Reactor facilities at IGCAR
Hot cells facilities at IGCAR
Particle irradiation facility
session 1 Development of new shielded facilities
- T3- 10.20-10.40 Rubén O. - New Argentinean Project Laboratory for the study of irradiated materials associated to RA10 Research Reactor.pdf
- T4- 11.10-11.30 Varah S. - Radioactive Waste Processing and Medical Isotope Harvesting Requirements for a New Hot Cell at TRIUM.pdf
- T5- 11.30-11.50 Ruhela S.P. - Pyro Process Research & Development Facility A Test bed for Engineering Technologies for metal fuel.pdf
- T6- 11.50-12.10 Mincu M. - Infrastructure for Production of Radioisotopes and Progress in Mo99 Production from LEU Targets.pdf
- T7- 12.10-12.30-Akinori Sato - The Constructing Status and Preliminary Evaluation for the Criticality Safety Design.pdf
- T8- 12.30-12.50 Gohran Magnus -The European Spallation Source ERIC -Active Cells Facility Construction and Design Update.pdf
- T1- 9.40-10.00-Rondinella V.V. - Geneal Configuration, Recent Developments and Perspectived of the Hot Cells Capabilities at JRC Karlsruhe.pdf
- T2 10.00-10.20 Jong Monica - UKAEA Materials Research Facility, Growing into Mature Levels.pdf
session 2 Ageing management and refurbishment of hot laboratories
- T3- 14.40-15.00 Gruber P. - Refurbishment of a Nuclear Facility in operation.pdf
- T5- 15.20-15.40 Velnom L. - Decontamination and Dismantling of a Modular Steel Alpha Chamber for JRC Karlsruhe Hot Cells.pdf
- T1- 14.00-14.20 Barbara C. - Ageing Management and Refurbishment of Existing Hot.pdf
- T4- 15.00-15.20 Winston Philip - INL Visual Examination Machine Periscope Upgrade.pdf
- T2- 14.20-14.40 Cutler C. - Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Hot Cell Renovation.pdf
session 3 Development of remote handling facilities-equipments
- T3- 16.40-17.00 Winston S. Joseph - Force estimation and feed back control of the Servo Manipulator.pdf
- T4- 17.00-17.20 Sakthivel M. - Development of In-cell Crane for use in Lead Cell.pdf
- T5- 17.20-17.40 Kalaiarasu T. - Dissolution and Solvent Extraction of Sr-89 in Hot cells.pdf
- T6- 17.40-18.00 Mishra Sudhanshu - Design of Vacuum Distillation System to Remove Sodium from Irradiated Sodiu.pdf
- T2- 16.20-16.40 Minor Grant - A new Remote Handling Facility for Radioactive High-power Fission and Spallation ISOL Targets.pdf
- T6b- 17.40-18.00 Mishra Sudhanshu - Design of Vacuum Distillation System to Remove Sodium from Irradiated Sodiu.pdf
- T1- 16.00-16.20 Sharma Kuldeep - Mobile Hot Cell for Disused Source Recovery.pdf
session 4 Analytical characterisation
- T3- 9.40-10.00 Maity U.K. - Laser Induced Break down Spectroscopy (LIBS) A tool for identification of fuel pin failure by monitoring He gas.pdf
- T4- 10.00-10.20 Dash Shankar Bhabani - Investigation of Irradiation Induced Phase Formation at Ferroboron and SS 304L Clad Material Interface.pdf
- T1- 9.00-9.20 Manoravi P. - Spatial profile studies of nuclear material burn-up by Laser Ablation-Ionization.pdf
- T2- 9.20-9.40 Subramanian GGS - Development of ICP-AES and LIBS Techniques Adapted to Lead Minicell and Glove Box Facilities Respectively.pdf
session 5 Mechanical property and microstructural evaluation of irradiated materials
- T4- 11.40-12.00 Savu Madalin - Destructive Examination of Experimental CANDU Type Nuclear Fuel.pdf
- T5- 12.00-12.40Shriwastaw R. S. - Effect of Post Irradiation Transient Heating on Ring Tensile Properties.pdf
- T7- 12.40-13.00Mishra Prerna - PIE of MOX fuel An Advanced PHWR Fuel.pdf
- T1- 10.40-11.00 Howard Cameron - Advanced Multi-Scale Post-Irradiation Experiments Link the Mechanical.pdf
- T2- 11.00-11.20 Srba O. - Evaluation of mechanical properties of Zr cladding tubes.pdf
- T3- 11.20-11.40 Shah Priti Kotak - Recent studies on first generation indigenous Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube.pdf
session 6 Non destructive PIE techniques
- T3- 14.40-15.00 Barker M.A. Non-Destructive Testing Methods At Windscale Laboratory.pdf
- T5- 15.20-15.40 Jayaraj V.V. - Radial Gamma Scanning System for Irradiated Fuel Pin Sections.pdf
- T4-15.00-15.20Adam Martin - Development of Gamma Scanning Applications in Post Irradiation Examination.pdf
- T3b- 14.40-15.00 Barker M.A. Non-Destructive Testing Methods At Windscale Laboratory.pdf
- T1- 14.00-14.20Singh J.L. - Recent Advances in NDE Techniques During PIE of Irradiated Nuclear Materials.pdf
- T2- 14.20-14.40 Zubler Robert - High Resolution Neutron Imaging of Spent Fuel Cladding Sections.pdf
session 7 Transport of radioactive material
- T2- 9.20-9.40 Earle Isaac - Remote Handling Refurbishment Infrastructure for the ISAC High-Power Target Facility at TRIUMF.pdf
- T4-10.00-10.20 Jones Carwyn - The Cask Assembly at ESS.pdf
- T1-9.00-9.20Cheutet Elodie - Commissioning a Secured Bottle to Transfer Highly Radioactive Solutions Between Two Hot Cells.pdf
- T3- 9.40-10.00Dadang - Transfer Radioactive Waste Material in Hotcell 101 Radiometalurgi Via Transfer Channel Towards Interim.pdf
session 8 Development of characterisation equipments
- T1- 10.40-11.00 Morgan Susan - Development of Laser- Raman Microscopy and Microhardness Testing capability.pdf
- T2- 11.00-11.20Ravi S. -Design of a Facility for In-Situ Creep Testing under Ion Irradiation of Fast Reactor Core Structural Materials.pdf
- T3- 11.20-11.40 Dunn Kris - Implementation of A Shielded Dual Beam (SEM FIB) in the Fuels and Materials Hot Cells facility.pdf
session 9 Inventory and waste management
- T2- 14.20-14-40Mougnaud S. - Contribution of R&D hot cells laboratories to the recovery and repackaging of waste resulting from dismantling.pdf
- T3- 14.40-15.00 Delrieu J. - Actinide Behavior in Biphasic Alpha Contaminated Waste Package.pdf
- T1- 14.00-14.20 Watanabe Sou - Treatment of Spent Solvent in STRAD Project.pdf
- T4- 15.00-15.20 Selvakumar J. - Design and Performance of Glove-Box Adapted Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer.pdf
session 10 Safety & Radiological Hygiene
Poster Pitch
- P16 M. Padalakshmi presentation_9 Sep 2019_HL.pdf
- P19 Sekar K).pdf
- P18 A. Vijayraghavan flood PPT R1.pdf
- P22 - Guy Cornelis.pdf
- P21-Geletar HOTLAB -2019 presentation.pdf
- P20 Devaraj 2min presentation_9 Sep 2019_HL.pdf
- P23 Akira Nakayoshi HOTLAB introduction.pdf
- P1 Yuma ida .pdf
- P2 Chris_Dane_ROBATEL Industries - R83 CAROLINE package 2min.pdf
- P3 Svrcula.pdf
- P4 Fajar Al Afghani Indonesia.pdf
- P5 R.Ravikumar.pdf
- P6-Zhang Xiangyang.pdf
- P7 Leslie Jones_ISIS_Pitch.pdf
- P8 KAERI_Dongseok_Ryu_02.pdf
- P9 KAERI_Hocheol_Shin.pdf
- P12 T Ravi Poster Pitch Presentation.pdf
- P14 Christophe Cellize GETINGE LA CALHENE Selliez .pdf
- P15_AshishKolhatkar_Poster_Pitch.pdf
2018 - Helsinki, Finland
Extended abstracts
- Robby Vandendries - First transport campaign of new type B(U) packaging for hotlabs.pdf
- Rubén O. González - New Laboratory for the study of irradiated materials associated to RA10 Research Reactor in Argentina.pdf
- Akinori Sato - The preliminary study for safety design of JAEA's Radioactive Material Analysis and Research Facility Lab-2.pdf
- Alex Wagner - Size Reduction Equipment in the ESS Active Cells Facility Abstract for Poster Presentation at HOTLAB 2018.pdf
- Amos Avery - Getting a Handle on Improved Telemanipulator Operation HOTLAB 2018.pdf
- Anabelle Lopez - Nuclearization projects of a tomographic atom probe and electropolishing machine .pdf
- Barbara Oberländer - Management and surveillance of aging underground storage site and aging Al-cad metallic U legacy fuel.pdf
- Basiran Basiran - Refurbishment of Drum Lifting Device for Radioactive Waste Handling inside Hot Cell Facility.pfd.pdf
- Brandon Miller - Conceptual Design of the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL) at Idaho National Laboratory.pdf
- Cad Christensen - AGR TRISO Particle Fuel Re-Irradiation and Safety testing Experiment .pdf
- Cameron Howard - Using Novel Small Scale Mechnical Testing.pdf
- Carwyn Jones - ESS Cask Assembly and Systems Engineering Methodology.pdf
- Dongseok Ryu - Overhead Ganty System and Basket Handling for the Pyroprocessing Automation Verifying Mock-up.pdf
- Franck Dominjon - Refurbishment of Handling Equipments in A Maintenance Cell of Phenix.pdf
- Frank Scheuermann - Fuel Inspection Hot Cell at Ignalina B1 ISFSF - Lessons Learned.pdf
- Frédéric Schmitz - Shielded cells design and periodic safety review.pdf
- Gary Butler - Fit For Purpose Design for Remote Operations - Handling the Hot Potatoes.pdf
- Gauthier Jouan - Implementing of An Innovative Nuclearized SEM in CEA-Atalante Facility.pdf
- Guy Cornelis - Design, development and installation of hot cell instrumentation for SF Autoclave Leaching Experiments.pdf
- Helmi Fauzi Rahmatullah - Blister Defect Analysis of U3Si2 Al Nuclear Fuel Cladding by Ultrasonic Test.pfd.pdf
- Hubert Hafen - Challenges in designing hot cells - How to avoid future difficulties in the use of telemanipulators.pdf
- Ion Man - Compact Tension Sample Preparation Out of Candu Pressure Tube Using the Numerical Controlled Milling Machine.pdf
- J Rory Kennedy - Overview and Status of the US Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF).pdf
- Jae-Han Kim - Preliminary Study on the Repair and Transporation Methods of Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly in KAERI.pdf
- Jani Huttunen - Posiva's disposal of spent nuclear fuel - the concept and the encapsulation facility.pdf
- Javin DeVreede - Rejuvenation of the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Chalk River Campus.pdf
- Jean-Marc Adnet - TARRA Project - transfer of MOX R_D between 2 CEA sites.pdf
- John Stanek - Radioactive Materialography Preparation Systems.pdf
- Jonas Martinsson - Handling of failed fuel - from reactor to final repository by reconditioning in Studsvik concrete cells.pdf
- Kamlesh Pandit - Engineering aspects of hot cells and in-cell equipments.pdf
- Keith Kershaw - Remote handling design study developments for a new experimental facility at CERN - The Beam Dump Facility.pdf
- Ki Seob Sim - IAEA Activities on Fuel Irradiation Tests, Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) and PIE Facilities Database.pdf
- Kiho Kim - Remote Metal Fuel Slug Fabrication System Based on Injection Casting.pdf
- Kris Dunn - Hotcell Examinations of In-core Inconel X-750 spacers removed from CANDU Reactors for Surveillance.pdf
- Laurent Loubet - Accumulation of Nuclear Material in Nuclear Facilities An Iterative Approach In Order To Develop Measuring.pdf
- Laurent Velnom - An overview of the Remote Handling soluations and equipment at JRC Karlsruhe's Hot Cells facilities.pdf
- Lei Yang - Research on Closed-end Burst Testing of Irradiated Fuel Cladding Tube.pdf
- Li-Na Guo - The research on oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steel by chemical method.pdf
- Lu Wu - The microstructure of post-irradiated A508-3 steel and its effects on charpy impact energy.pdf
- Magnus Göhran - The European Spallation Source Active Cells Facility - Challenges in Construction - HOTLAB 2018.pdf
- Mahdi Rezaian -Criticality evaluation of a transport cask of irradiated nuclear fuel samples.pdf
- Maho Iwasaki - Application of ICP-MS to analysis of nuclear fuel debris and radioactive wastes.pdf
- Marco Streit - New integrated sample management software at PSI HOTLAB.pdf
- Maria Isabel Machado - Innovative Hot Lab Concept for Nuclear Industry.pdf
- Matt Cole - Remote Handling and Waste Containment Approach for Whiteshell Laboratories Standpipe.pdf
- Miho Suzuki - Sample Preparation Techniques for Post Irradiation Examinations in the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility.pdf
- Mitchell K. Meyer - Commissioning of the Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory.pdf
- Mona P. Moret - Shielded Electron Microprobe and some of its main applications in Hotlabs.pdf
- Natalia Zolnikova - The R83 type B U transport package for used LEU fuel - a versatile package HOTLAB2018.pdf
- Niklas Snis - Recent upgrades at the Studsvik concrete hot cell laboratory and cell waste management.pdf
- Ondrej Srba - Preparation of experiments at CVR Hot-cell.pdf
- Patrik Sandström - Self threading electrical discharge machine hot cell modifications.pdf
- Petr Švrčula - Transportation capabilities of hot cell facility.pdf
- Ph. Martin - Nuclearized Raman microscope coupled with a hot stage - new tool to study (U, Pu)O2-x fuel microstructure.pdf
- Philip Winston - Radial Deconsolidation of Irradiated AGR-3 -4 Compacts at Idaho National Laboratory.pdf
- Robert M. Ulfig - Three-Dimensional Subnanometer Compositional Analysis of Radiation Damaged Materials with APT.pdf
- Ryan Devlin - Development of Laser Ablation ICP - Mass and OES Methodologies for Elemental Analysis.pdf
- Shang-Feng Huang - Correlation of PWR Vessel Material Properties Variation with Neutron Fluence by Surveillance Program.pdf
- Sou Watanabe - Treatments of Radioactive Waste Solutions Generated In A Hot Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency.pdf
- Stéphane Brémier - The Decommissioning and Waste Management programme of the European Commission Joint Research Centre.pdf
- Sunggeun Kim - Mechnical test of spent fuel at KAERI-PIEF.pdf
- Takuji Sugihara - Miniature C(T) Specimen Fabrication for Reutilization of Surveillance Tested Materials.pdf
- Teemu Törönen - PLATOMS's Expertise and Capabilities to Support Construction and Operation of Hot Cell Facilities.pdf
- Venkatasubramanian Karthik - Mechnical property evaluation of irradiated SS using sub size and miniature specimens.pdf
- Volodymyr Revka - A remote technique for a preparation of tension test specimens from the irradiated round bars.pdf
- Wang Xin - Failure Analysis on AFA 3G Gd Rod from Nuclear Power Plant.pdf
- Wang Zhen - Blistering test under the pressure condition in hot cel.pdf
- Xiang-Yang Zhang - High Energy X-ray Study on Nondestructive Detection of Fuel Assemblies.pdf
Designing and building of new facilities
- Kamlesh Pandit - Engineering Aspects of Hot Cells and In-Cell Equipments.pdf
- Keith Kershaw - Remote Handling Design Study Developments for a New Experimental at CERN – The Beam Dump Facility.pdf
- Maria Isabel Machado- Innovative Hot Lab Concept for Nuclear Industry.pdf
- Mitchell K Meyer - Commissioning of the Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory.1.pdf
- Steve Chunglo - Getting a Handle on Improved Telemanipulator Operation HOTLAB 2018.pdf
- Brandon Miller - Conceptual Design of the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL) at Idaho.pdf
- Carwyn Jones - ESS Cask Assembly and Systems Engineering Methodology.pdf
- Hubert Hafen - Challenges in Designing Hot Cells - How to Avoid Future Difficulties in the Use of Telemanipulators.pdf
- Dongseok Ryu - Overhead Gantry System and Basket Handling for Pyroprocessing.pdf
Aging Management of Hot Labs
- Javin DeVreede - Rejuvenation of the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Chalk River Campus.pdf
- Niklas Snis - Recent Upgrades of the Studsvik Concrete Hot Cell Facility.pdf
- Basiran Basiran - Refurbishment of Drum Lifting Device for Radioactive Waste Handling Inside Hot Cell Facility.pdf
- Franck Dominjon - Refurbishment of Handling Equipments in A Maintenance Cell of Phenix.pdf
Decommissioning and Waste Handling
- Jae-Han Kim - Preliminary study on the repair and transportation methods of spent nulcear fuel assembly in KAERI.pdf
- Jani Huttunen - Posiva's disposal of spent nuclear fuel - the disposal concept and fuel studies.pdf
- Jonas Martinsson - High Level Waste (Spent Fuel) from Hotcell to Final Repository – A Standard Procedure in Sweden.pdf
- Sou Watanabe - Treatments of Radioactive Waste Solutions Generated in a Hot Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency.pdf
- Torje Osen - Remote Handling and Waste Containment Approach for Whiteshell Laboratories Standpipe.pdf
- Frank Scheuermann - Fuel Inspection Hot Cell at Ignalina B1 ISFSF – Lessons Learned.pdf
- Barbara C Oberländer - Management and surveillance of aging underground storage site with aging uranium metal legacy fuel.pdf
Hot Lab Equipment
- Mahdi Rezaian - Criticality Evaluation of a Transport Cask of Irrad Nuclear Fuel Samples According to the IAEA Regulations.pdf
- Ion Man - Compact Tension Sample Preparation out of Candu Pressure Tube Using the Numerical Controlled Milling Machine.pdf
- John Stanek - Radioactive Materialography Preparation Systems.pdf
- Mona P. Moret - Shielded Electron Microprobe and Some of Its Main Applications in Hotlabs.pdf
- Natalia Zolnikova - The R83 Type B(U) Transport Package for Used LEU Fuel A Versatile Package.pdf
- Gary Butler - Fit for Purpose Design for Remote Operations -Handling the Hot Potatoes.pdf
- Gauthier Jouan - Implementation of An Innovative Nuclearized SEM in CEA-Atalante Facility.pdf
- Robert M. Ulfig - Three-Dimensional Subnanometer Compositional Analysis of Radiation Damaged Materials with APT.pdf
Management of Hot Labs
- Ki Seob Sim - IAEA Activities on Fuel Irradiation Tests, Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) and PIE Facilities Database.pdf
- Marco Streit - New Integrated Sample Management Software at PSI HOTLAB.pdf
- Frédéric Schmitz - Shielded Cells Design and Periodic Safety Review.pdf
- J. Rory Kennedy - Overview and Status of the US Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF).pdf
- Laurent Loubet - Accum of Nucl Material in Nucl Facilities An Iterative Approach in Order to Develop Measuring Stations.pdf
- Jean-Marc Adnet - TARRA Project Transfer of MOX R D Between 2 CEA Sites.pdf
Post Irradiation Examination
- Takuji Sugihara - Miniature C(T) Specimen Fabrication for Reutilization of Surveillance Tested.pdf
- Wang Xin - Failure Analysis on AFA 3G Gd Rod from Nuclear Power Plant.pdf
- Wang Zhen - Blistering test under the pressure condition in hot cell.pdf
- WULU-NPIC-final.pdf
- Fauzi Helmi Rahmatullah - Blister Defect Analysis of U3 Si2AI Nuclear Fuel Cladding by Ultrasonic Test.pdf
- Kris Dunn - Hotcell Examinations of In-core Inconel X-750 spacers removed from CANDU Reactors for Surveillance.pdf
- Lu Wu - The Microstructure of Post-Irradiated A508-3 Steel and its Effects on Charpy Impact Energy.pdf
- Philip Winston - Radial Deconsolidation of Irradiated AGR-34 Compacts at Idaho National Laboratory.pdf
- Cad Christensen - AGR TRISO Particle Fuel ReIrradiation and Safety Testing Experiment.pdf
- V Karthik - Mechanical property evaluation of irradiated stainless steels using sub size and miniature specimens.pdf
- Shang-Feng Huang - Correlation of PWR Vessel Material Properties Variation with Neutron Fluence by Surveillance Program.pdf
Poster pitch
2017 - Mito, Japan
Post-Fukushima special session
- Hiroyuki Daido - Contributions to the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPS by JAEA Naraha Remote Technology Development.pdf
- Toshihiko Inoue - The outline of Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s Okuma Analysis and Research Center.pdf
- David Bottomley Hot cell investigation of irradiated fuel debris from the Three Mile Island unit 2 (TMI-2) reactor.pdf
- Akihiko Nishimura - Collaborative R_D for Advanced Remote Analysis using Pulse Laser Ablation and Related Technologies.pdf
- Yoshiyuki Sato - Radiochemical analysis of rubble collected from around and inside reactor buildings at Units 1 to 4.pdf
HOTLAB operation
- Akira Shibata - Damage on the JMTR hot laboratory by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.pdf
- Brandon Miller - Current Status of the Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory at INL.pdf
- Young-jun kim - Post-Irradiation Examination Capabilities of M1 Hotcell in IMEF.pdf
- Budi Briyatmoko - BATAN - IAEA Cooperation in the Program of Decontamination and PIE in Radiometallurgy Insta.pdf
- Monica Jong - UKAEA Materials Research Facility; Into Operation.pdf
- Natsuki Nakamura - Management of JMTR hot laboratory without operation of system of air supply and exhaust.pdf
- Ulaganathan Thandavamoorthy - Operational Experience in Hot Cell Transfer Systems at Radio Metallurgy Laboratory.pdf
Waste and storage
Facilities and equipment
- Wade Karlsen - Fabrication and Installation of VTT’s new hot cells.pdf
- Makoto Matsueda - Development of Metal Corrosion Testing Method Simulating Equipment of Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels.pdf
- Roland Bruetsch - Shielded Focused Ion Beam FIB-FE-SEM Evaluation, technical modificati.pdf
- M Matsueda - Development of Metal Corrosion Testing Method Simulating Equipment of Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels.pdf
Remote handling technology
- A Furusawa - An Approach for Remote Nondestructive Testing Method for Concrete Structure Using Laser-generated Ultrasonic.pdf
- Guang Jie Wei - Virtual X-ray Vision by 3D Scene Reconstruction for Work in Nuclear Containment.pdf
- Lennart Astrom - ESS Shielded casks’ preliminary design and related monolith maintenance operations.pdf
- Dongseok Ryu - Automation Testbed for Remote Basket Handling in a Hot Cell.pdf
- Jan Hedstueck - Additional Payable Safety Features for.pdf
- S Ionescu - Automated Device for Pressure Tube Samples Collect for Hydrogen Concentration Determination in PIE.pdf
Post-irradiation examination
- Koji Fujimoto - Post-irradiation Examination Using TEM Method for Swelling Evaluation of Baffle Plate in PWR Core Internals.pdf
- Robert Zubler - Cleaning of failed Lead containing Zircaloy-2 Neutron Spallation Target Rods with a Dissolution Process.pdf
- Jawahar Lal Singh - Post Irradiation Examination of Failed Fuel Bundle from TAPS 3 PHWR.pdf
- Marin Mincu - Analysis of Fission Gases Released in the Void Volume of Irradiated CANDU type Nuclear Fuel.pdf
- Taowei Wang - Spherical Fuel Element Deconsolidation System in INET.pdf
- Zhongqiang Fang - Microstructure Analysis of Irradiated NUE and NU Fuel in NPIC Hot Cells.pdf
- Shinji Sasaki - Application of FE-SEM to the measurement of U, Pu, Am in the irradiated MA-MOX fuel.pdf
Poster session
- P-01_Masayasu Ito.pdf
- P-02_Yuta Shizukawa.pdf
- P-24_Hirokazu Tsuchihashi.pdf
- P-26_Christopher Dane.pdf
- P-27_Thomas Garnier.pdf
- P-28_Mutsumi Hirai.pdf
- P-03_Soichi Sato.pdf
- P-04_Yuki Sugaya.pdf
- P-05_Jessica Bruin.pdf
- P-07_Hidenori Shiina.pdf
- P-08_Fuyumi Kobayashi.pdf
- P-14_Grant Minor.pdf
- P-17_Henk Nolles.pdf
- P-18_Hiromitsu Miyai.pdf
- P-19_Zhilin Peng.pdf
- P-20_Yi Fan Guo.pdf
- P-21_Hang Xi.pdf
- P-22_Hiroto Ishii.pdf
- P-23_Xin Xin Zhu.pdf
- P-25_Takashi Ishikawa.pdf
Post Fukushima
Hotlab Operation
Waste and Storage
Facilities and Equipement
Remote Handling
Poster session
- P-25_Takashi Ishikawa.pdf
- P-26_Christopher Dane.pdf
- P-27_Thomas Garnier.pdf
- P-28_Mutsumi Hirai.pdf
- P-29_Simon Woodbury.pdf
- P-01_Masayasu Ito.pdf
- P-02_Yuta Shizukawa.pdf
- P-03_Soichi Sato.pdf
- P-04_Yuki Sugaya.pdf
- P-05_Jessica Bruin.pdf
- P-06_Frederic Minot.pdf
- P-07_Hidenori Shiina.pdf
- P-08_Fuyumi Kobayashi.pdf
- P-09_Mona Moret.pdf
- P-10_Laurent Velnom.pdf
- P-11_Heather Chichester.pdf
- P-12_Isabelle Bisel.pdf
- P-13_Holger Wiese.pdf
- P-14_Grant Minor.pdf
- P-15_Radim Kopriva.pdf
- P-16_Petr Svrcula.pdf
- P-17_Henk Nolles.pdf
- P-18_Hiromitsu Miyai.pdf
- P-19_Zhilin Peng.pdf
- P-20_Yi Fan Guo.pdf
- P-21_Hang Xi.pdf
- P-22_Hiroto Ishii.pdf
- P-23_Xin Xin Zhu.pdf
- P-24_Hirokazu Tsuchihashi.pdf
2016 - Karlsruhe, Germany
S1 - Special Post Fukushima session
- T.Washiya - Approach to estimating fuel debris properties generated in Fukushima Daiichi NPS.pdf
- D. Bottemley - Application of Material Properties Data to Strategy_Problems facing Decommissioning in Fukushima.pdf
- A. De Bremaecker - PIE on FPs and fuel behavior after the Vercors-2,-3,-5 tests performed in the frame of severe accidents.pdf
- K. Katsuyama - Development of advanced PIE technique for fuel debris using X-Ray Computer Tomography.pdf
- D. Minghetti - New Loss Of Coolant Accident equipment at Studsvik’s Hot Cell Laboratory.pdf
- N. Snis - Experimental setup for fuel fragmentation.pdf
- A. Jones-Radiation hardness testing of an organic liq. scint. detector for use in high dose rate accident response scenario.pdf
- T.Toyokawa-Progress on the Development of the Analysis and Research Laboratory for Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP.pdf
S2 - Session Infrastructure, refurbishments, new installations
- O. Srba - Hot cell facility -Test of Biological Shielding and Commissioning.pdf
- D. Wright - The challenges of maintaining operations during a major refurbishment.pdf
- JP Glatz - Infrastructure development at the JRC Karlsruhe.pdf
- M. Jong - UKAEA Materials Research Facility an ‘easy access’ hot-cell and analysis facility.pdf
- A. Lee - The Changing Future of Analytical Chemistry at Sellafield.pdf
- HS Zhao - New Hot Cell Lab and PIE Research Project on HTR Spherical Fuel Element in INET.pdf
- T. Blay - New analysis capabilities with a versatile FIB SEM.pdf
- S. Teysseyre - Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking Testing Laboratory at INL.pdf
- M. Veshchunov - IAEA activities in the area of Nuclear Power Reactor Fuel Engineering.pdf
- Aerial_Short CNL.mpg
- R. Kennedy - US Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) Overview and Status.pdf
- J. MacMillan - The Transformation to CNL and the Vision for its Shielded Facilities.pdf
S3 - Commercial session
- F. Scheuermann - Renewal of Hot Cell 6 at PSI.pdf
- P. Waller - Designing Practical Solutions for the Nuclear Industry.pdf
- M. Moret - AMTEK CAMECA Analytical Instrumentation for HOTLAB facilities.pdf
- H. Hafen - Servicing and Repair of Key Equipment when Suppliers Disappear or Stop Offering Support.pdf
S4 - Session Transportation issues
S5 - Session Remote Handling
S6 - Post-Irradiation Examination session
- A. Vijayaragavan - Design and development of remotely operable equipments and tools for hot cell applications.pdf
- B. Bevard - Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing for the 25 Sister Rods in the High Burnup Spent Fuel Data.pdf
- S. vanTil - NRG hot cells - experimental capabilities.pdf
- M. Jong - Post-Irradiation Examination Capability at UKAEA’s Materials Research Facility.pdf
- S. Ionescu - Fracture Mechanics Tests on CANDU Pressure Tubes Samples.pdf
- S.G.Kim - Development of crush test system for irradiated spacer grid.pdf
- H. Saikouk - High frequency acoustic microscopy imaging of Pellet-cladding interface in nuclear fuel rods.pdf
- D.A. Sell - Hot Cell System for Determining Fission Gas Retention in Metallic Fuels.pdf
- J. Armstrong - Highlights and Recent Changes to Fuel PIE Activities at CNL Visual Exam and Fuel Chemical Burnup .pdf
- W. Williams - Non-Destructive Examination of AFIP-7 PIE Results and Path Forward.pdf
- H. Fauzi - Non destructive test nuclear fuel U3Si2-Al 4,8 g Ucm3 post irradiation with 60pc BU research reactor.pdf
- Y-J. Kim - Development of X-ray system for irradiated fuel in hotcell.pdf
- M. Ozawa - Examination of analytical method of rare earth elements in used nuclear fuel.pdf
- Y. Xiong - Application of Coordinate Measuring Technique in Hot Cell.pdf
- L. Marina - Determination of plutonium isotopes in spent nuclear fuel using TI-Ms and alpha spectrometry.pdf
S7 - RA material, fuel accounting,operational and legacy waste
- S. Martin-Vignerte - 3D Scanning of a hot cell in the LECA.pdf
- M. Lallee - Sorting methodology to manage RA powder coming from irrad. fuel machining.pdf
- G. Jouan - SEM analyzes of powdered actinide compounds - implementation in a hot lab.pdf
- M Ben Mosbah - Radiological characterization of the LECA Cell 3.pdf
S1 - Special Post Fukushima session
- K. Katsuyama - Development of advanced PIE technique for fuel debris using X-Ray Computer Tomography.pdf
- N. Snis - Experimental setup for fuel fragmentation studies .pdf
- T. Toyokawa - Progress on the development of the analysis and research lab for decommisioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPS .pdf
- T. Washiya - Approach to estimating fuel debris properties generated in Fukushima Daiichi NPS.pdf
- D. Minghetti - New LOCA test equipment at Studsvik HotCells.pdf
- A. Jones-Radiation hardness testing of an organic liq. scint. detector for use in high dose rate accident response scenarios.pdf
S2 - Session Infrastructure, refurbishments, new installations
- M. Jong - UKAEA Materials Research Facility, a new easy access hot-cell and analysis facility.pdf
- S. Teysseyre - Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking Testing Laboratory at INL.pdf
- T. Wang - New Hot Cell Laboratory and PIE Research Project on HTR Spherical fuel element in INET.pdf
- KM. Pandit - Engineering aspects of hot cells and in-cell equipment.pdf
- O. Srba - Hot cell facility in research centr REZ, test of biological shielding and commissioning.pdf
- T. Blay - New capabilities of analyses with a versatile nuclearized dual beam.pdf
S3 - Commercial session
S4 - Session Transportation issues
S5 - Session Remote Handling
S6 - Post-Irradiation Examination session
- W. Williams - Non-Destructive Dimensional Analyses at INLs Hot Fuel Examination Facility.pdf
- Y-J. Kim - Development of X-ray system for irradiated fuel in hotcell.pdf
- S-G. Kim - Development of crush test system for irradiated spacer grid.pdf
- M. Ichikawa - Anion exchange separation for solutions containing irradiated steel specimen.pdf
- Y. Xiong - Application of Coordinate Measuring Technique in Hot Cell.pdf
- S. Ionescu- Fracture Mechanics Tests on CANDU Pressure Tubes Samples.pdf
- M. Ozawa - Examination of analytical method of rare earth elements in used nuclear fuel.pdf
- M.G. Petre - Determination of plutonium isotopes in spent nuclear fuel using TI-MS and alpha spectrometry.pdf
- H. Saikouk - High frequency acoustic microscopy imaging of PelletCladding interface in nuclear fuel rods.pdf
- D.A. Sell - Hot cell system for determining fission gas retention in metallic fuels.pdf
- A. Vijayaragavan - Design and Development of remotely operable equipments and tools for HC.pdf
- Y. Nampira - Non destructive test nuclear fuel U3Si2-Al 4,8 g Ucm3 post irradiation with 60 pc BU research reactor.pdf
S7 - RA material, fuel accounting,operational and legacy waste
2015 - Leuven, Belgium
- 034 Streit M. Testing of the new integrated sample and order management.pdf
- 040 M. Barker Post Irradiation Evaluation at the UK’s Windscale Laboratory.pdf
- 041 S. Morgen Post Irradiation Examination of UK Advanced gas cooled reactor fuel cladding (post reactor and post storage).pdf
- 061 Krasikov Post-Irradiation Examination of the Radiation Annealing of embrittelement of the reactor pressure vessel steel.pdf
- 001 Malin Liu Design and manufacture of the IMGA system for PIE of coated fuel particles of HTR fuel element in INET.pdf
- 013 V. AnderssonTesting of Concrete in Norway as Radiation Protection Shielding - Hotlab Meeting 2015 - Leuven.pdf
- 017 J-Y Ferrandis Acoustic sensors devoted to non-destructive fission gas characterization of LWR rod.pdf
- 020 Karlsen Wade The new VTT hot cells.pdf
- 021 Wei Zhu Study on Micro-drilling Technology of irradiated Fuel Pellet for Burn-up Analysis.pdf
- 025 Magnus G Current Status of the ESS Active Cells Facility.pdf
- 028 I. Cho Development of engineering scale pyroprocessing facility Pride.pdf
- 030 K. KIM_Refurbishing ACPF for pyroprocessing technology development at KAERI.pdf
Monday 28-09-2015
- 10-Presentation F. Gobin CEA Marcoule.pdf
- 11-Presentation F. Dominjon CEA.pdf
- 12-Presentation D. Myers Aquila Nuclear Engineering.pdf
- 14-Presentation I. Eliasova.pdf
- 16-Presentation V. Bassini_MC. Anselmet.pdf
- 01- Presentation Sekio Y JAEA.pdf
- 02-Presentation Ferrandis.pdf
- 03-Presentation D. Minghetti IES.pdf
- 04-Presentation F. Rice INL.pdf
- 05-Presentation C. Howard Univ.California Berkeley.pdf
- 06-Presentation G. Antonelli.pdf
- 08-Presentation L. Malin.pdf
- 09-Presentation JM Wagner Walischmiller Engineering.pdf
Tuesday 29-09-2015
- 40- Presentation A. Lee Sellafield.pdf
- 41-Presentation M. Streit.pdf
- 42- Presentation M. Barker UK National Nuclear Laboratory.pdf
- 43- Presentation Jin Qian CIAE.pdf
- 43- Presentation Jin Qian CIAE [Compatibility Mode].pdf
- 44-Presentation V.Rondinella ITU JRC.pdf
- 45-Presentation Budi Briyatmoko BATAN.pdf
- 46-Presentation M. Mincu INR.pdf
- 17- Presentation F. Darras AREVA TN.pdf
- 18- Presentation Chr. Dane ROBATEL-CEA.pdf
- 21-Presentation V. Anderson IFE.pdf
- 22-Presentation H. Uehara NSRI.pdf
- 23-Presentation M. Konstantinovic SCK-CEN.pdf
- 24-Presentation H. Chichester INL.pdf
- 25-Presentation V. Karthik IGCAR.pdf
- 39- Presentation P. Watson Sellafield.pdf
Wednesday 30-09-2015
- 53-Presentation B. Oberlander IFE.pdf
- 55-Presentation M. Gohran ESS.pdf
- 56- Presentation I Cho KAERI.pdf
- 57- Presentation W Karlsen VTT TRC .pdf
- 58-Presentation Srba REZ.pdf
- 60- Presentation Y Lee ESS-AB.pdf
- 61-Presentation Kim K KAERI.pdf
- 47-Presentation B. Miller Idaho National Laboratory.pdf
- 48- PresentationW V Renterghem SCKCEN.pdf
- 49-Presentation R.S. Shriwastaw Bhabha.pdf
- 51-Presentation R. Kennedy INL.pdf
2014 - Baden, Switzerland
- 20140924-08a Thorogood.pdf
- 20140924-08b Bamberg.pdf
- 20140924-09 Srba.pdf
- 20140924-10 Kopriva.pdf
- 20140924-11 Potthast.pdf
- 20140922-01 Gavillet.pdf
- 20140922-02-Leenaers.pdf
- 20140922-03-Zimmermann.pdf
- 20140922-04-Morgan.pdf
- 20140922-05-Kuster.pdf
- 20140922-06-Wright.pdf
- 20140922-07-Wang.pdf
- 20140922-08-Obata.pdf
- 20140922-09-Guigues.pdf
- 20140922-10-Verhaeghe.pdf
- 20140922-11 Chichester.pdf
- 20140922-12-Burkes.pdf
- 20140922-13-Ren.pdf
- 20140923-01 Bayle Hotlab 2014 slides.pdf
- 20140923-02-Barker.pdf
- 20140923-03-Doebler.pdf
- 20140923-04 Dominjon.pdf
- 20140923-05 Paul.pdf
- 20140923-06 Heo.pdf
- 20140923-07 Chalal.pdf
- 20140923-08 Göran.pdf
- 20140923-09 Astroem.pdf
- 20140923-10 Johny.pdf
- 20140924-01 Karlsen.pdf
- 20140924-02 Zubler.pdf
- 20140924-03 Streit.pdf
- 20140924-04 Martin-Vignerte.pdf
- 20140924-05 Ferlay.pdf
- 20140924-06 Kwon.pdf
- 20140924-07 Schuurmans.pdf
- Full paper Magnus Göhran A Novel Concept for the ESS Target Station Hot Cells_Indico 11.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Marco Streit Integrated Managementsystem in a modern HOTLAB.pdf
- Full paper Robert Zubler Quality Management in a HOTLAB final.pdf
- Full paper Srba Ondrej.pdf
- Full paper Sylvain Martin-Vignerte The hot cells of the Jules Horowitz Reactor_Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Wade Karlsen VTT Centre for Nuclear Safety paper.pdf
- Full paper Y. Lee HOTLAB-2014 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR PIECE (PIE Cells at ESS)_Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Y.G. Jin Deformation Behavior of an Irradiated Spacer Grid for PWR Fuel Assembly_Indico 12.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Astrom Lennart.pdf
- Full paper Barker 3639_hotlabs_whitepaper_HIGHRES_ Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Bayle Hotlab 2014 version finale.pdf
- Full paper Des Wright Hotlab 2014.pdf
- Full paper Doebler Shield Plug-Mounted Manipulator Paper_Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Elodie Guigues Fission_Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper F. Dominjon Replacement of a heavy manipulator in a hot cell HOTLAB 2014_Indico 10.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Huacai Wang Non-destructive examination onthe spent fuel rods.pdf
- Full paper Hyoung Mun Kwon The Development of the Shielded Secondary Electron Microscope at KAERI.pdf
- Full paper Jean-Luc Paul RESUMPTION OF OPERATION OF THE PHENIX HOT CELLS_Indico 15.09.14.pdf
- Full paper Johny IGCAR Kalpakkam Hotlab 2014 Full Paper 20-9-2014.pdf
- Full paper Kevin Thorogood ANSTO-Viteris-paper.pdf
- Full paper Akihiro Ishimi Development of detection technique of corrosion and defect by X-ray computed tomography.pdf
- Full paper Jeongnam Jang Development of Low Cyclic Fatigue Test Technique for Irradiated Cladding Tube in Hot Laboratory.pdf
- Full paper Ren Liang Study on Poolside Inspection Technology for Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Assembly-2014 Hotlab.pdf
- Full paper Hiroki Obata Determination of hydrogen concentration in Zircaloy cladding using hot vacuum extraction method.pdf
- Full paper Johan Schuurmans Cost-Effective Precracking of Charpy V-Notch Specimens for Fracture Toughness Testing.pdf
- 20140923_173913.jpg
- 20140923_173928.jpg
- 20140923_173934.jpg
- 20140923_173944.jpg
- 20140923_174010.jpg
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- 20140923_190310.jpg
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- 20140923_190426.jpg
- 20140923_190444.jpg
- 20140923_190502.jpg
- 20140923_190525.jpg
- 20140923_190547.jpg
2013 - Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
- HOTLAB group.jpg
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- P-7585-22.JPG
- P-7585-23.JPG
- P-7585-24.JPG
- P-7585-25.JPG
- P-7585-26.JPG
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- G. Ruggirello - Hot laboratories and remote equipment to support Argentine's NPP and MTR operation.pdf
Closing session
- Marieno Kater - Future of the hotlab.pdf
- V.V. Rondinella - The JRC-ITU infrastructure renovation plan.pdf
- A. Leenaers - 50 Years of hotlab working group.pdf
- Didier Gavillet - The future of old hot laboratories under fast evolution of the regulatory rules.pdf
- D. Bottomley - A review of the hot cells operation at ITU Karlsruhe.pdf
Opening session
Session infrastructure 1
- Steven Shaw - Shifting the paradigm for the design of new remote laboratories.pdf
- Clint Baker - Design and operation of equipment to detect and remove water within used nuclear fuel storage bottles.pdf
- F. Dominjon - Dismantling and replacement of a lifting unit in a hot cell.pdf
- Francis Berdoula - Multi-task bench placide 1.pdf
- H. Lagrave - Feedback experience of the Atalante facility refurbished infrastructures.pdf
- Hidenori Shiina - Decommissioning program of research hot laboratory in JAEA.pdf
- M. Masson - Preliminary operations to the resumption of activities in the IEC of Phenix.pdf
- Magnus Göhran - The ESS target station hot cells, planning and development.pdf
- Marie Ladurelle - Optimising environmental steps for new licensed nuclear facility projects.pdf
Session infrastructure 2
- Aaron E. Craft - Neutron radiography and tomography at the INL current and future capabilities.pdf
- C. Poussard - The CEA LECI hotlab facility present and short term future capabilities.pdf
- Greg Sprenger - Versatile hot cell design.pdf
- J. Han - Pre-operation tests of a pyroprocess integrated inactive demonstration facility.pdf
- Ondřej Srba - Construction of hot cell facility in CVR.pdf
- Radim Kopriva - Refurbishment of underground HLW tank storage facility.pdf
- Tarik A. Saleh - Mechanical properties of an irradiated inconel 718 beam window.pdf
- Tony D'Aletto - Innovations in the LEFCA hot lab renovation.pdf
- Paul Demkowicz - Development and operation of the FACS furnace for high temperature performance testing of irradiated fuel.pdf
Session PIE 1
- Philip Winston - Triso particle handling AGR-1 experiment.pdf
- Richard Caraballo - Characterization of radioactive materials by Raman spectroscopy in shielded cell.pdf
- Y. Parthoens - Bonaparte.pdf
- Charles A. Baldwin - Irradiated microsphere gamma analyzer for inspection of particle fuel.pdf
- D.E. Burkes - Thermal analysis of irradiated U-Mo alloy fuel samples.pdf
- Dennis D. Keiser - Microstructure of high-BU U-Mo fuel.pdf
- Dr. Melissa C. Teague - Advanced post irradiation techniques.pdf
- Kozo Katsuyama - Development of advanced PIE technique for the irradiated fuel assembly using the X-ray computer tomography.pdf
- L. Loubet - The contribution of the bench VENDAUM in LECA-STAR for non-destructive examinations.pdf
- Laurent Loubet - Placide 2.pdf
- O. Dugne - Quantitative analysis of corium materials, preparation of the PIE phase.pdf
Session PIE 2
- V. Gouygou - Cadeex sorftware for sample and material management.pdf
- Yong Sik Yang - Measurement of small fission gas volume in fuel rod using laser puncturing system.pdf
- Ch. Valot - Post-irradiation analysis of fission gases in nuclear fuels.pdf
- H. Seto - Development of the residual stress measuring technique for irradiated materials by X-ray diffraction.pdf
- Jason Harp Ph.D. - Hot cell gamma scanning of the AGR TRISO fuel experiments.pdf
- Suzy Morgan - Electron and in-cell optical microscopy study of irradiated 20Cr 25Ni Nb stainless steel.pdf
Session waste
- I. Man - Transporting and non-destructive post-irradiation examination of a candu bundle from Cernavoda nuclear power plant.pdf
- Paula Freyer - Nuclear materials research at the Westinghouse hot cells supporting fleet operations for 40 years.pdf
- Christophe Selliez-Vandernotte - Telerobotic systems MT200-TAO and terman TAO.pdf
- F. Carteron - Development of a transport package for hot cells and experimental reactor wastes.pdf
- Heiko Potthast - Fixbox 3 -waste treatment in a hot lab.pdf
2012 - Marcoule France
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Session infrastructure
Session PIE
Session sample prep
- F. Augereau - IES skills for ultrasonic innovative instrumentation in hot labs.pdf
- Takuya Toyokawa - Improvement of the center boring device for the irradiated fuel pellets.pdf
- Bong Goo Kim - Fluence monitor container loadedin a capsule for irradiating materials below 100°C at Hanaro.pdf
- E. Del Sol - A sensorless virtual slave control scheme for kinematically dissimilar master-slave teleoperation.pdf
- E.A. Krasikov - Advancement of hotlab research reactor technologies.pdf
Session sample transportation
Session waste
- M. Mincu - Methods for characterization of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.pdf
- A. N. Lukinyku - Treatment of high level waste arising from pyrochemical processes.pdf
- H. -F. Beer - Waste generated in a hotlab.pdf
- J. Mueth - Conditioning of Pu-containing radioactive waste generated in the hotlab implementation of an upgrade.pdf
Session infrastructure
- Philipe Van Boxem - Renovation of a medical radioisotope production hot cell.pdf
- Radim Kopřiva - Construction of semi-hot facility for the pet centre of NRI REZ.pdf
- Virginie Beaudoin - ITER hot cell facility status and main challenges.pdf
- C. Vaille - Investment and installation project of a mechanical tensile machine with a high-temperature furnace .pdf
- Jan Michalička - New hot cells in project SUSEN.pdf
- John Buckle - Design status of the post irradiation examination hot cells at mcmaster university.pdf
- Martens Benedikt - The stress test evaluation for the hot cells of SCK-CEN.pdf
- Des Wright - Novel hotcells to support nuclear R and D.pdf
Session PIE
- John Montin - Overview of AECL PIE capabilities.pdf
- Robert Zubler - Hydrides re-orientation and metallography analysis of five cycles irradiated fuel cladding samples.pdf
- C. N. Venkiteswaran - Electron microscopy for microstructural studies on fast reactor structural materials.pdf
- D. Papaioannou - Non-destructive examinations of irradiated fuel rods at the ITU Hot cells.pdf
- Heather J. - Postirradiation examination of high burnup metallic fuels for transmutation.pdf
Session sample prep
- M. Fabert - In situ measurements of nuclear fuel rod cladding deformation by speckle interferometry.pdf
- Takuya Toyokawa - The improvement of the center boring device for the irradiated fuel pellets.pdf
- Xavier Rochet - Hot lab optical instruments for material studies.pdf
- Andrew Parker - A method for the replacement of 137Cs with 40K for open-source ion exchange research applocations.pdf
- Frank Kennedy - Installation of an Endoscope in universal cells at Chalk River.pdf
- F. Augereau - Skills for ultrasonic innovative instrumentation in hot labs.pdf
- Enrique del Sol - A sensorless virtual slave control scheme for kinematically dissimilar master-slave teleoperation.pdf
- C. Leorier - Implementation of a scanning eclectron microscope in hot cell.pdf
Session sample transportation
Session waste
- P.D.W. Bottomley - The impact of transuranics and key fission products on emissions limits and waste declarations.pdf
- Paul Thijssen - Waste in a hot lab environment.pdf
- T. Advocat - Managing the wastes arising from CEA R and D programs.pdf
- A. N. Lukinykh - Treatment of high-level waste arising from pyrochemical processes.pdf
- Abina Orlova - Actinide ohosphates with NaZr2PO43 structure.pdf
- Hans-Frieder Beer - Waste generated in a hotlab.pdf
- J. Mueth - Conditioning of Pu-containing radioactive waste generated in the hotlab.pdf
- M. Mincu - Methods for characterization of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.pdf
2011 - Smolenice, Slovakia
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Session 1
- M. Miklose - The role of CVR in the fuel inspection at Temelin NPP.pdf
- S. Wang - The pool-side inspection of post-irradiation fuel assembly in Qinshan NPP.pdf
- V. Chrapciak - Gamma sprectrometic measurement of burn-up.pdf
- Z. Hlavathy - Spent fuel attribute tester realisation and application.pdf
- G. Ruggirello - Studies on the sintering behaviour of UO2-Gd2O3 fuel pellets.pdf
- I. Almasi - Gamma Spectrometry for burn-up determination of spent fuel assemblies at the paks NPP.pdf
Session 2
- R. Kopriva - Current status of the refurbishment of five semi-hot cells at NRI Rez.pdf
- V.V. Rondinella - Hot cells post irradiation examination at JRC-ITU.pdf
- N.G. Muralidharan - Post irradiation examination of fuel and core structural materials irradiated in FBTR.pdf
- G. Li - Status and activities of PIEs on nuclear fuel in NPIC.pdf
- D.M. Willey - Treatment and disposal of problematic.pdf
Session 3
- J.A. Vreeling - Installation of a scanning electron microscope in the hot-cell laboratory of NRG Petten.pdf
- J.L. Schulthess - Post irradiation capabilities at the Idaho national laboratory.pdf
- F.J. Rice - Mechanistic fuel failure evaluation system.pdf
- J. Luxat - Development and design considerations for a suite of new post irradiation examination hot cells.pdf
Session 4
- W. de Weerd - Scanning acoustic mircoscope an advanced technique.pdf
- Y.D. Goncharenko - Possibilities and features of electron backscatter diffraction for reactor materials investigation.pdf
- D. Papaioannou - Eddy current detection of cladding defects due to fuel pellet imperfections.pdf
- H.K. Jenssen - Non-destructive fission gas release determination of irradiated experimental fuel rods.pdf
- S.S. Sagalov - Pulsed eddy current defectoscopy of irradiated WWER fuel rods.pdf
Session 5
- V.V. Iakovlev - The main results of investigation of modified dispersion LEU U-Mo fuel tested in the MIR reactor.pdf
- Z. He - Defective fuel examination using coulometric titration and analytical electron microscopy.pdf
- V.S. Krasnorutskyya - Post irradiation examination of the fuel rods operated in WWER-100 mixed cores.pdf
- J.L. Singh - Post irradiation examination of thoria-plutonia mixed oxide fuel in Indian hot cells.pdf
- H.-m. Kim - The development of xenon diffusivity measurement for irradiated ceramic fuels with low burn-up.pdf
- H. Wiese - Examination of an irradiated fuel pin segment.pdf
Session 6
- J.-Y. Blanc - CEA strategy for civil spent fuels.pdf
- R. Szekely - New irradiation device at the Budapest research reactor.pdf
- S. Ichikawa - Establishment of the disassembling technique of the driver fuel assembly irradiated in JOYO.pdf
- A. Aqrawi - Status of the joint IAEA-hotlab post irradiation examination facilities database.pdf
- D. Bottomley - Estimation of hydrogen production rates from radiolysable material in contact wiith various irradiated fuels.pdf
- H. Matsui - Re-assembling procedure of the fuel assemblies for the nuclear power ship Mutsu.pdf
- J.L. Singh - Development of a set-up for the detection of failed fuels in TAPS BWR spent fuels storage bay.pdf
Session 1
- V.V. Rondinella - Post irradiation examination at JRC-ITU.pdf
- Vladimir Chrapciak - Gamma spectrometic measurement of burn-up.pdf
- Vladimir Fridrich - Inspection stand for monitoring of spent fuel on Bohunice.pdf
- CNNC Qinshan nuclear power Co. - Pool-side inspection of post-irradiation fuel assembly in Qinshan NPP.pdf
- Marek Miklos - The role of CVR in the fuel inspection at Temelin NPP.pdf
- I. Almasi - Spent fuel attribute tester realisation and applications.pdf
- G Ruggirello - Visual inspection and metrology as follow-up of coolant channels and fuel elements of new design.pdf
Session 2
- N G Muralidharan - Post irradiation examination of fuel and core structural materials irradiated in FBTR.pdf
- Radim Kopriva - Current status of the refurbishment of five semi-hot cells at NRI Rez.pdf
- Feng Mingquan - Activities and status of PIE for nuclear fuel in NPIC.pdf
- D M Willey - Treatment and disposal of problematic.pdf
Session 3
- F.J. Rice - Mechanistic fuel failure examination system.pdf
- Adam Robinson - Remote refurbishment of the containment box at the INL and recent results.pdf
- Arjan Vreeling - Installation of a scanning electron microscope in the hot-cell laboratory of NRG Petten.pdf
- Dr. John Luxat - Post irradiation examination hot cells.pdf
Session 4
Session 5
- V.V. Iakovlev - The main results of investigation of modified dispersion LEU U-MO fuel tested in the MIR reactor.pdf
- S. Ionescu - Destructive examination of experimental candu fuel elements irradiated in Triga-SSR reactor.pdf
- V.S. Krasnorutskyy - Post irradiation examination of the fuel rods operated in WWER-1000 mixed cores.pdf
- H. Wiese - Examination of an irradiated fuel pin segment by laser scanning profilometry, gamma spectrometry.pdf
- Heemon Kim - The development of Xenon diffusivity measurement for irradiated ceramic fuels with low burnup.pdf
- J.L. Singh - Post irradiation examination of Thoria-Plutonia mixed oxide fuel in Indian hot cells.pdf
- Z. He - Defective fuel examination using coulometric titration.pdf
Session 6
- Jean-Yves - CEA strategy for civil spent fuels.pdf
- Mr Arturo Bevilacqua - Befast and Spar from 1981 to present thirty years of spent fuel behaviour, performance and research.pdf
- Shoichi Ichikawa - Establishment of the disassembling technique of the driver fuel assembly irradiated in JOYO.pdf
- D. Bottomley - Estimation of hydrogen production rates from radiolysable materials in contact with various irradiated fuels.pdf
- Hiroki Matsui - Re-assembling procedure of the fuel assemblies for the nuclear power ship Mutsu.pdf
- J. L. Singh - Development of a set-up for the detection of failed fuels in TAPS BWR spent fuels storage bay.pdf
2010 - Vienna IAEA CS
2010 - Dimitrovgrad, Russia
2009 - Prague, Czech Republic
Session 1
Session 2
- E. Molinie - From AMI Chinon to Lidec nuclear facilities.pdf
- G. Cauquil - Presentation of CEA Marcoule laboratory department.pdf
- Gilles Ferlay - Hot cell devices designed to open and dissolve irradiated profil R targets.pdf
- R. Rolli - Decommissioning as an opportunity for a new start.pdf
- Shinya Endo - Replacement technique for front acrylic panels of a large size glove box using bag-in bag-out method.pdf
- Steven W. Shaw - Design features to facilitate hot isostatic pressing in remote shielded facilities.pdf
- M.P. Ferroud-Plattet - CEA verdon laboratory at Cadarache new hot cell facilities.pdf
Session 3
Session 5
Poster session
- Naoki Sakamoto - Remote maintenance technology for a large scale hot laboratory.pdf
- Noriko Miyaji - Development of an eddy current testing technique for inspecting inner corrosion of cladding.pdf
- V. Revka - Methods and equipments for post irradiation testing at Kiev institute for nuclear research.pdf
- C. Leroy - LEFCA renovation project innovation in renovation.pdf
- Cock Heemskerk - Analysis of port plug maintenance procedures in the ITER hot cell facility using virtual reality.pdf
- D. Bois - SPHINX an innovative solution for environmental protection in case of fire.pdf
- D.K. Min - Post-irradiation examination of high burnup PWR fuels.pdf
- M. Parvan - Upgrading of SCN hot cell laboratory by new equipments for microanalysis.pdf
Session 1
- S. de Groot - HTR R and D hot cell requirements.pdf
- W Klopper - Requirements and status of PBMR PIE in South Africa.pdf
- Zhengqiang Liang - Development of hot cell facility at CIAE.pdf
- Clara Anghel - Nordic nuclear materials forum for generation IV reactors and hot cell facilities at Studsvik.pdf
- H. Aït Abderrahim - Sustainable nuclear energy helps Europe to meet its energy challenges.pdf
- Jan Bensch - Hot cells inside the build-up Jules Horowitz reactor.pdf
- Jan Uhlir - Hot fuel reprocessing technology of MSR system.pdf
- Laurent Paret - SFR GFR hotlabs requirements.pdf
Session 2
- R. Rolli - Decommissioning as an opportunity for a new start.pdf
- Shinya Endo - Replacement technique for front acrylic panels of a large size glove box using bag-in bag-out method.pdf
- Bruce Begg - Design freatures to facilitate hot isostatic pressing in remote shielded facilities.pdf
- D. Kuster - Refurbishment of two concrete hot cells in the hotlab of the Paul Scherrer institute.pdf
- E. Molinié - From ami chinon to lidec nuclear facilities.pdf
- G. Cauquil - Presentation of CEA Marcoule laboratory department.pdf
- H.-C. Schneider - Experimental facilities in the Karlsruhe fusion materials laboratory.pdf
- M.P. Ferroud-Plattet - CEA Verdon laboratory at Cadarache new hot cell facilities.pdf
Session 3
- Sangbok Ahn - Development of mechanical test techniques on irradiated grid elements in a PWR fuel assembly.pdf
- Yu.D. Goncharenko - Application of system for registration and analysis of backscatter electrons.pdf
- R. Restani - Shielded electron probe microanalysers from Cameca to Jeol preliminary comparison of design.pdf
- Francis Berdoula - New digital sensor for radiography.pdf
- Alexandre Vauselle - Development of an optical method to measure deformations of nuclear fuel cladding.pdf
Session 4
Session 5
- T. Fujishima - Management for preventive maintenance and the safety operation of hot laboratory.pdf
- V.E. Stepanov - Remote-controlled compact gamma camera gammavisor for control of radioactive sources contamination.pdf
- Oleg P Ivanov - Multimodality imaging for mapping of radioactive contamination.pdf
2008 - Kendall, UK
Session 1
Session 3
- R. Källström - Testing of creep and relaxation fuel cladding at the mechanical testing laboratory in Studsvik.pdf
- S. Morgan - Electrochemical corrosion testing in a hot cell environment.pdf
- Sangbok AHN - Development of mechanical test techniques on an operated candu pressure tube material in a hot cell.pdf
- Yu.D. Goncharenko - New ultra-high resolution electron microscope in the SSC RIAR hot laboratory.pdf
- A. Sato - Non-destructive oxide thickness measurement for BWR fuel rods Developement of crud removal technique.pdf
- D. Gavillet - Quantification of the surface porosity in high burn-up fuel using image analysis tools.pdf
- J. Gan - Microstructure characterization of RERTR fuel.pdf
- Kozo Katsuyama - Development of x-ray CT appratus for irradiated fuel assembly.pdf
- Mitsuhiro Kodama - PIE techniques for the study of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking.pdf
Presentations session 1
- Hakon K. Jenssen - Status of the IAEA PIE facilities database and its integration with hotlab electronic catalogue.pdf
- W. Goll - Future industry hotlab needs AREVA NP view.pdf
- Benjamin Thérache - EDF current and future hotlab needs.pdf
- Doug Cockerill - British energy's current and future PIE needs.pdf
Presentations session 2
- Jean Pierre Coulon - Upgrading of the LEFCA experimental facility for the study of next generation nuclear fuels.pdf
- Jeremy Hastings - Novel techniques for in-situ measurement of legacy waste sludge and liquors.pdf
- Magali - Benchikhoune - The ITER hot cell current situation and main issues.pdf
- D. Papaioannou - Recent technical innovations in the ITU hot cells.pdf
- AECL - CRL Shielded facilities refurbishment project.pdf
- Pontillon Y - Irradiated fuel behaviour under thermal transient .pdf
- J. Schuurmans - Refurbishment of the plasmatron vision 1 presentation.pdf
- Juan C. Subiry - NAC international nuclear transportation technology and experience presentation.pdf
Presentations session 3 part 1
- Didier Gavillet - Quantification of the surface porosity in high burn-up fuel using image analysis tools.pdf
- J. Gan - Microstructural chracterization of RERTR fuel.pdf
- C. Eysseric - Examination and characterisation methods applied to irradiated fuel claddings in Atalante facility.pdf
- D.M. Wachs - Advanced test reactor incanal ultrasonic scanner experiment design and initial results on irradiated plates.pdf
Presentations session 3 part 2
- Kozo Katsuyama - Development of x-ray CT apparatus for irradiated fuel assembly.pdf
- Sangbok AHN - Development of mechanical test techniques on an operated CANDU pressure tube material in a hot cell.pdf
- State Scientific center - New ultra-high resolution electron microscope in the SSC RIAR hot laboratory.pdf
- Suzy Morgan - Electrochemical corrosion testing in a hot cell environment.pdf
- Atsushi Sato - Non-destructive oxide thickness measurements for BWR fuel rods.pdf
- Cecilia Janzon - Creep and relaxation testing at Studsvik.pdf
- Francis Berdoula - Rod dismantling and samples retrieval at Cadarache.pdf
2007- Bucharest, Romania
- J. Paul Coad - Detritiation of tiles from tokamaks by laser cleaning.pdf
- Jean-Paul Grandjean - Experience feedback on the refurbishment of the LECA hot laboratory at Cadarache.pdf
- Alain Hanssens - Overview of CETAMA activities and assessment of U and Pu quality analysis results.pdf
- Ana Matei - Seperation and determination of actinides from nucler spent fuel solution by alpha spectrometry.pdf
- Christophe Valot - A new device for X-ray diffraction analyses of irradiated materials.pdf
- Gabriela Elena Androne - Experiments for seperation and purification of Mo-99 from uranium solution .pdf
- Pierrick Menegon - Development of a gas trapping system for Xenon and Krypton fission products.pdf
- Quentin Auzoux - Iodine induced stress corrosion cracking and axial creep 2 new cladding testing facilities.pdf
- Silviu Ionescu - Tensile testing and metallographic examination on irradiated candu pressure tube specimens.pdf
- Y.H. Jung - Analysis of a metallic precipitates in an irradiated simulated fuel.pdf
Session 1
Session 2
- R.W. Bosch - Handling and safety of polonium contaminated lead-bismuth capsules in a hot cell.pdf
- Robert Zubler - Aspects of working with manipulators and small samples in an αβγ-box.pdf
- Jungwon Lee - Development of remote equipment for a DUPIC fuel fabrication at KAERI.pdf
- L. Breton - The irradiated elements cell at Phenix.pdf
- Roberto Covini - The GIOCONDA experience of the joint research centre Ispra .pdf
Session 3
- Didier Gavillet - Analysis of complex nuclear materials with the PSI shielded analytical instruments.pdf
- Lionel Gosmain - Raman spectroscopy, a new facility at LECI laboratory to investigate neutron damage in irradiated materials.pdf
- Marcel Parvan - PIE of a CANDU fuel element irradiated for a load following test in the INR TRIGA reactor.pdf
- Yu.D. Goncharenko - Adaptation of the pole figure measurement to the irradiated items from zirconium alloys.pdf
- Atsushi Onozawa - Improved technique to measure hydrogen concentration in the cross section of the fuel cladding.pdf
- Boris Meunier - He and fission product release from irradiated nuclear fuels MERARG 2 capabilities.pdf
- Daniel Kuster - Profilometry of fuel rods with the laser scan micrometer.pdf
2006 - Julich, Germany
Session 1
- Dirk Delnooz - Software control of hot-cells for mechanical operations and sample preparation.pdf
- Jean-Paul Grandjean - Two different methods for improving contamination when refurbishing a hot cell.pdf
- Kris Dylst - Refurbishment of the tritium laboratories at SCK CEN.pdf
- Laurent Chodorge - CHAVIR A virtual reality simulation environment for hazardous working sites.pdf
- R.M. de Vos - Semi-long term storage of uranium containing waste from molybdenum production.pdf
- B.C. Oberländer - Fire technical and health physics improvements in fuel production facilities.pdf
Session 2
- H.K. Jenssen - A new bench for tomographic γ-scanning of fuel rods.pdf
- D. Freis - Quantitative burnup determination based in isotopic relationships.pdf
- F. Berdoula - Main techniques used at the LECA facility.pdf
- Mireille Gysemans - Destructive radiochemical burn-up determination.pdf
- O. Makarov - Techniques for mechanical tests of small size specimens in the hot cells .pdf
- Y. Goncharenko - RIAR hot cells material testing complex methodical possibilities.pdf
Session 3
- D. Espinoux - Two years of operation of the shielded process line CBP in Atalante facility.pdf
- R. Chaouadi - An integrated analysis and interpretation approach for investigating irradiation effects on fusion materials.pdf
- Christophe Valot - Fission gases pressure evaluation in irradiated PWR fuels .pdf
2005- Petten, The Netherlands
Session 2
- Kevin Govers - Molecular dynamics study of mixed oxide fuels issues and perspectives.pdf
- R. Meulekamp - Hot laboratories validation for burn-up analyses.pdf
- Sergei E. Lemehov - Beyond the standard PIE in support of mechanistic code development.pdf
- G. Ruggirello - Modelling of V HTR fuel elements.pdf
Session 3
- Hilmar Schnabel - Manufacturing and testing of specimens of the project carisma at framatome ANP hot cell laboratory.pdf
- Marcel Parvan - Non-destructive post-irradiation examination on LEU fuel rods used in TRIGA material testing reactor.pdf
- Patrick Goethals - Dissolution of mox fuel, produced following the MIMAS procedure, in concentrated nitric acid.pdf
- Christophe Valot - Local burnup determination in UOX fuel rods using secondary io mass spectometry.pdf
- Frederic Jorion - Hot cell facilities for fabrication of materials for transmutation of minor actinides.pdf
- Geert-Jan De Haas - Arrangements for a leaching test for irradiated ROX fuel samples.pdf
- Yves Pontillon - Fission gas release under normal and off-normal conditions new analytical device implemented.pdf
Session 4
session 5
- Peter Heimgartner - New specimen holder for XAS-analyses of radioactive specimens at the Swiss light source.pdf
- R.W. Bosch - Development of a hot cell test set-up for liquid metal embrittlement studies in lead-lithium and lead-bismuth.pdf
- S. V. Kuzmin - Electron probe microanalysis of fuel using scanning electron microscope XL30 ESEM TMP.pdf
- A. Leenaers - A micro x-ray fluorescence spectrometer for nuclear research.pdf
- J Paul Coad - Flashlamp cleaning of plasma-facing tiles from the jet tokamak.pdf
- J.B.J. Hegeman - Examples of x-ray tomography and possible hot applications.pdf
- Jaap van der Laan - An update on materials projects and test facilities at NRG Petten.pdf
- Javier Quinones - New radioactive facility for spent fuel stability studies.pdf
- Johannes Bertsch - Concept αβγ-box for mechanical testing of active materials.pdf
Session 4 Presentation Ohayon
2004 - Halden, Norway
Session 1
Session 2
- K. Silberstein - Refabricated and instrumented fuel rods.pdf
- Leo Sannen - Refabrication of fuel rods - qualification of the end plug welds.pdf
- O. Howald - Summary design and installations of a circumferential tig and laser welding at the LECI laboratory.pdf
- Hans-Jörg Kleemann - Re-fabrication and instrumentation - résumé and outlook.pdf
- Helge Thoresen - Instrumentation of experimental fuel and future needs for PIE and hot cell work.pdf
Session 3
- C. Devida - Quantitative burnup determination a comparision of different experimental methods.pdf
- Geert-Jan De Haas - Post-irradiation characterization of zirconia-and spinel-based inert matrix fuels - the OTTO experiment.pdf
- J. Spino - Indentation techniques in nuclear applications a review paper.pdf
- Johannes Bertsch - Versatile equipment for mechanical testing of active materials.pdf
- M. Scibetta - Design and fabrication of a dead weight equipment to perform creep measurements.pdf
- Marcel Parvan - Available post-irradiation examination techniques at Romanian institute for nuclear research.pdf
- Rikard Källstörm - Post irradiation examination techniques for fuel performance evaluation.pdf
- Roland Brütsch - Scanning electron microscopy analysis of CRUD-material in the PSI-hotlab.pdf
- Yu. D. Goncharenko - New possibilities of the isotope distribution examination .pdf
- V.N. Golovanov - Possibilities and prospects of investigation of irradiated structural and fuel materials.pdf
Session 4
- Francois Boussard - LECA refurbishment project or how to get ready for the next ten years.pdf
- Javier Quinones - Roadmap and performance carried out during ciemat site decommissioning.pdf
- Lars Roobol - The molybdenum production facility and its relationship with NRG.pdf
- Marie Ladurelle - Taking into account seismic risk on glove boxes.pdf
- Bredel Thierry - Cleaning and dismantling of a high activity laboratory.pdf
- Didier Gavillet - The new shielded metallography box in paul scherrer institut hot laboratory.pdf
Session 5
- Jean-Philippe Dancausse - Management of hot cell waste in Atalante facilities.pdf
- Guadalupe De Córdoba - Pyrometallurgical seperation processes of radionuclides contained in the irradiated nuclear fuel.pdf
- H. Krumbach - Handling and behaviour of AVR fuel elements for interim storage.pdf
- Jean-Philippe Dancausse - Scope and dissolution studies and characterization of irradiated nuclear fuel.pdf
- P. Bros - Recovery of spent high intensity neutron sources in Atalante facility.pdf
2003 - Saclay, France
Session 1
- P. Bossis - Use of elastic detection analysis for hydrogen content mapping on irradiated Zr alloys.pdf
- R. Brütsch - SEM and EPMA analysis of un-usual hybride structure in in-pile cracked zircaloy-cladding.pdf
- Rik-Wouter Bosch - High temperature electrochemical corrosion testing in a hot cell environment - problems and pitfalls.pdf
- S.V. Belozerov - Techniques of helium content measurement in irradiated structural materials.pdf
- W. Van Renterghem - High resolution transmission electron microscopy Fables, Facts and Figures.pdf
- Y. Parthoens - Feasibility study of on-line digital x-ray imaging for irradiated fuel rods.pdf
- Beat Wernli - Characterisation of nuclear fuel samples.pdf
- J.-L. Puzzolante - Machining and fracture toughness testing of miniature compact tension specimens in hot-cell.pdf
- Jean-Jacques Dupuy - Focused ion beam technology offers new potential for rapid analysis of hot samples.pdf
- L. Desgranges - One year of operation of the shielded SIMS with irradiated materials in the LECA facility.pdf
- Yu.D. Goncharenko - SIMS - An effective addition to the traditional SEM and EPMA methods.pdf
Session 2
- B.C. Oberländer - Fire preparedness measures in buildings with hot laboratories.pdf
- C. Cappelaere - Long term under internal pressure creep test device in K6 LECI hot cell.pdf
- E. H. Toscano - Influence of the thermal treatment on the hardness of highly irradiated cladding samples.pdf
- Hans-Jörg Kleemann - Inventory of dry stored steel waste after 25 years.pdf
- M. Ranchoux - CEA Atalante high level process shielded line and high level analysis shielded line.pdf
- Mario Mariani - Identification and removal of organic pollutants from JRC-ISPRA heavy water lab-test.pdf
- R. Duwe - Decommissioning and re-opening of the hot materials laboratory at research centre Jülich.pdf
- Roberto Covini - System for the collection, purification and re-drumming of the heavy water.pdf
Session 3
- M. Betti - Development of a collimator for gamma measurement of spherical fuel elements.pdf
- M. Rödig - Post irradiation testing of materials for high heat flux components of ITER.pdf
- Virginie Basini - New techniques dedicated to the characterization of future nuclear fuels.pdf
- J P Coad - Tritium-related fusion technology programmes under EFDA-JET.pdf
2002 - Mol, Belgium
Session 1
- C. Brossard - Transport procedures at ITU licensing and technical aspects.pdf
- C. Ospina-Esperòn - radioactive transports.pdf
- G. Bruhl - Transport of radioactive materials on CEA sites.pdf
- G.L. Tjoa - Transport of radioactive materials.pdf
- J.L. Mondanel - A new generation in the family of packages for transportation.pdf
- J.P. Lahaye - Nuclear transport into and from Belgium.pdf
Session 2
- M. Huntelaar - Treatment of PVC-containing nuclear waste.pdf
- P. Goethals - Advanced wet-reprocessing system separation experiments on real spent LWR fuel solutions.pdf
- Sergio Bertelli - Conceptual study of a system for the recovery, safe storage and transportation of high level liquid wastes.pdf
- J. Quinones - First modelling approach to U1-y28Puy O2 +x leaching behaviour in water.pdf
- F. Minot - Radiolysis in intermediate level waste of the STAR process.pdf
- A. Leenaers - Microstructure of spent MOX and UO2 fuel stored for 25 years.pdf
Session 3
- L. Davies - Mechanical testing facilities at AEA technology.pdf
- A.F. Grachev - Fabrication possibilities and experience of fuel elements based on high-activity fuel types.pdf
- B. C. Oberländer - Digital video cameras to supervise and document hot laboratory processes.pdf
- D. Gavillet - The new PSI metallography-box.pdf
- D. Haas - MA laboratory.pdf
- H. Morgan - A new high active facility at BNFL's technology centre, Sellafield.pdf
- G. Lysell - Determination of density and open porosity of irradiated fuel by the immersion method.pdf
- P. Heimgartner - Infrastructure at PSI for the fabrication of Pu-pellets and segments.pdf
- P. Mongabure - A 250 kN tensile machine in hot cell.pdf
- M. Verwerft - Advanced fuel cycles for accelerator driven systems hot laboratory availability.pdf
- P. Benoit - Fuel activities related to ADS development at the SCK CEN.pdf
2001 - Madrid, Spain
Session 1
- Steven Van Dyck - The installation of an IASCC autoclave test system at the SCK-CEN hot laboratory.pdf
- V.D. Risovany - A complex of methods for examination on thermophysical properties of irradiated materials.pdf
- Xavier Averty - Induction heating on dynamic tensile tests in CEA Saclay.pdf
- Yu.M. Golovtchencko - Equipment and techniques for studies on irradiated fuel and fuel rods characteristics.pdf
- Bertrand Pasquet - Technical aspect of shielded SIMS installation in CEA Cadarache.pdf
- E. Heikinheimo - Evaluation methods for hydrogen pick-up in irradiated high burnup fuel rod claddings.pdf
- Francis Berduola - Implementation of a cabin X-rays in hot cell.pdf
Session 2
- J P Coad - Tritium retention in JET and next-step fusion devices.pdf
- Andreas Loida - Post irradiation examinations of high burnup spent fuel samples.pdf
- G. Ferlay - Two years of R and D chemistry in C11 C12 shielded cells at Atalante Marcoule.pdf
- Aurora Martinez-Esparza - ENRESA's R and D programs on irradiated fuel and separation.pdf
- Javier Quiñones - Studies of the influence of water radiolysis to the spent fuel matrix dissolution process.pdf
- Mark Huntelaar - Waste treatment facility.pdf
- Sergio Bertelli - Study on containerisation of irradiated fuel at JRC ISPRA for medium- and long-term storage.pdf
- J. Cobos - New flow through reactor installed in the ITU hot cell laboratory.pdf
Session 3
- Jean-Yves Blanc - Refurbishment of the LECI.pdf
- Olivier Rabouille - The new isidore microscope.pdf
- Barbara Charlotte Oberländer - Experiences from refurbishment of metallography hot cells.pdf
- D. Gavillet - Development of a specimen containment system.pdf
- G.L Tjoa - A CNC milling machine in NRG's hot cell laboratories.pdf
- Roland Brütsch - Overview of the organisation and the measurement procedures used for the radioactive contamination controls.pdf
- W. Claes - The BG 18 container B(U)F type packaging for the transport of irradiated fuel rods.pdf
- Winfried Kuehnlein - Radiation protection instrumentation at the hot cells of forschungszentrum Juelich.pdf
2000 - Villingen, Switserland
Session 1
- Herman Buurveld - Vinish.pdf
- Holger Wiese - Developing a method for fractionated hydrogen determination in fuel cladding samples.pdf
- Winfried Kühnlein - The new gamma-scanning and tomography system in the hot cell laboratory of the forschungszentrum Jülich.pdf
- Anne-Charlotte Nystrand - Methods for measuring hydrogen in zirconium alloys used in Studsvik.pdf
- D. Papaioannou - A micro beam collimator for high-resolution XRD investigations.pdf
- F. Berdoula - Fuel bundle dismantling machine.pdf
Session 2
- R C Corcoran - Developments in the use of SEM and SIMS for the study of irradiated fuel at Berkeley.pdf
- R. Restani -Standard electron probe microanalysis of irradiated fuel at PSI.pdf
- W. Goll - A device to test the long-term creep behaviour of cladding from high burnup spent fuel.pdf
- W. Schenk - Post-irradiation examination of high temperature reactor fuel elements.pdf
- I.M. Golovtchenko - Review of methods used for mechanical testing of specimens made of VVER zirconium fuel rod claddings.pdf
- B. Vos - On the analysis of Pu distribution in MIMAS MOX by EPMA.pdf
- J.P. Coad - Ion beam analysis of components with high tritium and beryllium content.pdf
- P. Schleuniger - Recent experience in high burn-up fuel pin puncturing.pdf
- Yu. Goncharenko - Joint application AES and SIMS methods for half-quantitative measurements.pdf
- Z. Kopajtic - Application of DA-methods at PSI for the characterisation of non-irradiated and irradiated nuclear materials.pdf
Session 3
- D. Gavillet - A new metallography box for PSI.pdf
- G. Bart - Refurbishment of PSI-hotlaboratory.pdf
- Neutrons for research The spallation neutron source SINQ at the Paul Scherrer institute.pdf
- B.C. Oberländer - Fabrication of CT specimens with inserts of irradiated material by milling and EB-welding.pdf
1999 - Karlsruhe, Germany
Session 1
- J.-Ph. Girard - Rehabilitation of nuclear facilities in operation.pdf
- Klaas A. Duijves - QA in the hot cell laboratories at NRG-Petten.pdf
- L. Sannen - Quality assurance in nuclear fuel research at the laboratory of high- and medium-level activity at SCK-CEN.pdf
- M. Gysemans - How to apply quality in nuclear analytical chemistry an illustration.pdf
- Paul Scherrer Institut - Untersuchungen von stark radioaktiven materialien sowie herstellung innovativer brennstoffkeramiken.pdf
- Alain Michel - Nuclear installations in operation containment control and methods for improving associated safety systems.pdf
- Containment control and improvement elements.pdf
- J.-Ph. Girard - Hot lab refurbishment the LECA story.pdf
- Gilbert Bruhl - Application of the ALARA principle to the design of new nuclear laboratories.pdf
Session 2
Session 3
- F. Groeschel - Neutron radiography using the SINQ experimental set-up and operational experience.pdf
- G.M. Decroix - New machining equipment of the laboratory for irradiated material studies.pdf
- J. Furlan - The fabrice process in LECA.pdf
- J.M. Golovtchenko - Use of a method of local coolings.pdf
- M. Betti - An instrumental method to investigate the diffusion of traces elements in zirconium oxide layers.pdf
- Marc G. Horsten - Examples of the use of small specimens in irradiation testing of fusion structural materials.pdf
- P Ramsay - Hot cell facility for hydrogen analysis.pdf
- Roland Brütsch - Local hydrogen concentration determination in Zircaloy cladding material.pdf
- T. Wiss - Electron microscopy for PIE new developments.pdf
- V.A. Tsykanov - Review of some RIAR developed and improved procedures for post-irradiation examination.pdf
- W. Goll - PIE - a need for future developments.pdf
1998 - Windscale, UK
Session 1
Session 2
- M. Verwerft - Electron probe micro-analysis of gas bubbles in solids a novel approach.pdf
- P. Novosad - Machining and welding technique in hot-cell.pdf
- P. Poerschke - A burst test faclity for irradiated fuel rod segments.pdf
- P. Schleuniger - Optimisation of the process for the determination of fission gas release from reactor fuel pins.pdf
- P.P. Malgouyres - The vercors ht facility for studies up to molten PWR fuel conditions.pdf
- R. Duwe - High heat loading tests an temperature measurements in hot cells.pdf
- S. Ravel - Partition of grain boundary and matrix gas inventories in nuclear fuel the ADAGIO facility.pdf
- V. Bespalov - The activities of the RRC KI reactor materials division.pdf
- Bernard Berthier - The nuclear microprobe at the pierre süe laboratory.pdf
- G.L. Tjoa - ECN welding facility for irradiated material.pdf
- H G Morgan - Development of a shielded IASCC facility in AEAT.pdf
- Hakon K. Jenssen - Neutron radiography of irradiated fuel rods.pdf
- L. Desgranges - A new puncturing apparatus optimised for free volume determination.pdf
- M. Martin - A shielded SIMS atomika 4000.pdf
Session 3
- M J Gilbert - A new approach to decontamination for the nuclear industry.pdf
- S. Hammar - The new fire protection system in the Studsvik hot cells.pdf
- Gilbert Bruhl - New requirements for HEPA filters for ventilation networks in hot laboratories.pdf
- J.E Noyes - Renewal of CEA transport packaging inventory.pdf
1997 - Studsvik, Sweden
Session 1
- Häkon Kristian Jenssen - Electronic data treatment within PIE.pdf
- Hans-Jörg Kleemann - Re-fabrication and instrumentation of irradiated fuel rods.pdf
- Sven Bengtsson - Addiation of EBSP equipment to the Studsvik HCL SEM.pdf
- Christian Gräslund - Studies of secondary hydriding in BWR test fuel.pdf
- E.H. Toscano - Formation of artificial hybride-blisters on pre-irradiated fuel cladding.pdf
- J.-Ph. Girard - French R and D facilities for reactor fuel examination trends for the next century.pdf
Session 2
- M. Scibetta - Fracture toughness measurement using small specimens.pdf
- P Ramsay - Low-cycle testing of LWR fuel rod cladding.pdf
- R. Hoffmann - Material testing with reconstituted specimens at Siemens hot cell laboratory.pdf
- Th. Bredel - Creep test device of CEA SEMI LECM.pdf
- V. David - Dynamical tensile device of CEA SEMI LECM.pdf
- G L Tjoa - Tensile testing of irradiated miniature specimens.pdf
- G. Pott - Preparation and testing of small metallic samples.pdf
Session 3
- Magnox Electric staff - Examination of irradiated control rods at magnox electric.pdf
- S. Harnie - Decommissioning a hot cell used for post irradiation research.pdf
- S. Pavlov - Testing procedures of some construction rigidity characteristics for the irradiated FAs in the hot cells.pdf
- T R Black - Refurbishment of a hot cell for decontamination of in-cell equipment.pdf
- G. Bruhl - Neutron dosimetry in nuclear facilities.pdf
- I.M. Golovtchenko - Equipment and technique for in-cell off-normal overheating of rod bundles.pdf
- Jesus Lapeña - Current status of ciemat facilities for radioactive materials.pdf
- M. Falcnik - Hot experimental facilities and methods employed in mechanical testing programs for PWR pressure vessel steels.pdf
1996 - Petten, The Netherlands
Session 1
Session 2
- H. Kostecka - Development of a closed-end burst-and creep-test for irradiated cladding materials.pdf
- JS Dakin - Some aspects of hot cell mechanical testing at AEA technology plc.pdf
- A. Fabry - Reactor pressure vessels the Belgian enhanced surveillance technology.pdf
- Bertil Josefsson - Modified ring tensile testing and an new method for fracture toughness testing of irradiated cladding.pdf
Session 3
Session 5
- Hot-cell activities at VTT.pdf
- Waldemar Bilous - Facilities for testing radioactive materials at the institute of atomic energy in Poland.pdf
- Dr. B.C. Oberländer Myklebust - Post irradiation examination techniques and activities.pdf
- Gin-Lay Tjoa - Recent developments and present status of shielded mechanical.pdf
1994 - Mol, Belgium
Session 1
- N A Leech - Measurement of thermal properties of irradiated fuel at AEA technology.pdf
- P. Bottin - Installation of scanning electron microscope in hot cell.pdf
- R. Chaouadi - Reactor pressure vessel steel surveillance new methodology - new equipments.pdf
- I E Wilson - Hot cells for fuel characterisation and testing in relation to dry storage.pdf
Session 2
- M. Bieth - Re-encapsulation of pre-irradiated fuel pins and of structural material at the euros-cell.pdf
- T M Banks - Refabrication equipment for instrumentation of irradiated fuel rods.pdf
- W. Claes - Non-destructive decontamination of the BR2 hot cell facility at SCK-CEN Mol.pdf
- G. Caporossi - Final report on decontamination of hot cell laboratory at C.R.E. Casaccia.pdf
- H. Carlsen - Decommissioning of the risø hot cell facility.pdf
- K.A. Duijves - A new hot cell facility for the production of molybdenum-99.pdf
Session 3
- B. Gauthier - Collecte et traitement des dechets suspects dans l'installation Atalante.pdf
- B. Neerdael - In-situ tests in the underground research laboratory for rad waste disposal.pdf
- A. Pencreach - Chaine confinee robotisee de mise en solution.pdf
- A. Pencreach - Robotized dissolving system.pdf
- H. Bruchertseifer - Fixbox - a new technique for the reliable conditioning of plutonium waste solutions.pdf
- Marc Decréton - Can computer aided teleoperation really help nuclear cell operation.pdf
- Pierre Valentin - Télémanipulateur MT 200 a commande numérique.pdf
- G. Bruhl - IPSN qualification centres for nuclear safety equipments their contribution to the safety of nuclear facilities.pdf
- F. Boussard - Approches differentes de la surete pour la construction d'une nouvelle installation.pdf
- G. Vassallo - Various design and operational aspects of ethel.pdf
1993 - Chinon, France
Session 1
- G. Pott - Elektronenstrahlanlage zur untersuchung des thermoschockverhaltens von radioaktiven proben.pdf
- J.L. Puzzolante - Cellule chaude pour tests de fatique.pdf
- K.A. Duijves - Refrabrication of irradiated LWR fuel rods.pdf
- L. Sannen - Retained gas analysis system hydrogen content i zircalloy cladding helium content in berylium samples.pdf
- Etienne Vrignaud - Contrôle dimensionnel par nappe laser application aux empreintes élastomères.pdf
- Etienne Vrignaud - Les examens non destructifs de combustible en piscine de désactivation mis en oeuvre.pdf
- G F Hines - Recent development in remotely operated equipment for use in the post irradiation examination of fuel.pdf
- Bros André - Réunion annuelle du GT laboratoire chauds et telemanipulation de la cee.pdf
- Coquerelle M. - Expérience acquise dans la gestion de la cellule d'examens non destructifs.pdf
- Didier Cruz - Banc modulaire d'examens non destructifs a usages multiples.pdf
- R. Marsol - Demantelement des assemblages KNK au LDAC.pdf
- M S Stucke - Development of an integrated optical microscopy facility for the examination of irradiated fuel.pdf
- R C Smith - Advanced remote handling techniques associated with specialised fuel studies.pdf
Session 2
Session 3
- G. Caporossi - Decontamination des cellules chaudes du C.R.E. Casaccia.pdf
- H. Carlsen - Status for the Risø hot cell deommissioning.pdf
- A. Michel - Expérience de rénovation d'une cellule d'examens destructifs.pdf
- F. Benchikhoune - Demantelement de l'installation de radiometallurgie 2 INB 59 a Fontenay-aux-Roses.pdf
1992 - Marcoule, France
Session 1
- JC. Broudic - Strategie de gestion des effluents et des dechets solides de l'installation Atalante.pdf
- M. Brunel - Presentation generale d'Atalante.pdf
- R. Huillery - S.T.A.R Applications des nouveaux concepts de sécurité sur les équipements de ventilation.pdf
- G. Lehrmann - Das fusionskeramiklabor in den heissen zellen der KfK.pdf
- D. Cruz - La bulle de gaz neutre Télémanipulation en atmosphère contrôlée enceinte étanche implantée.pdf
Session 2
- J.P. Leveque - HEVA programme - operating the programme instrumentation.pdf
- K. Van der Meer - Non-destructive determination of fission gas release by gamma spectrometry.pdf
- Michel Boidron - Etude de la localisation des produits de fission dans une aiguille. Suivi du relachement par gammametrie.pdf
- R. Pejsa - Die diffraktometrische anlage für radioaktive proben.pdf
- Experimental HEVA programme.pdf
- G. Dassel - A new computed tomography system in the ECN hot cell laboratory.pdf
Session 3
- G. F. Hines - Refurbishment of shielded facilities in the UK.pdf
- G. Pott - Handhabung grosser und schwerer komponenten in den zellen des labors GHZ.pdf
- J.J. Maurel - Demantelement de trois cellules ayant servi a la fabrication de sources de cesium 137 et de strontium 90.pdf
- A. Daniels - Procedure de transfert des dechets radioactifs de haute.pdf
- Denis Schlaudecker - Rénovation d'une cellule moyenne activité.pdf
1991 - Barnwood, UK
Session 1
- G. Eminet - Aspects techniques de preparation et d'examens d'echantillons irradies au meb et au met.pdf
- Jean-Yves Blanc - Installation en cellule chaude de bancs de controles non-destructifs et de prelevement de gaz de fission.pdf
- R.I Hey - New equipment for the X-Ray Examaination of Irradiated AGR Fuel Elements.pdf
- Th. Martella - MIRABEAU Banc automatique de contrôle dimensionnel d'aiguilles irradiées.pdf
- Coquerelle M. - Rénovation de la cellule pour examens non destructifs.pdf
- G. Dassel - A new computed tomography system in the ECN hot cell laboratory.pdf
Session 3
- J.R Findlay - UK strategy for the management of operational wastes.pdf
- K. Schneider - Demontage und abfallbeseitigung von zwei bleizellen.pdf
- L. Di Pace - Volume reduction and conditioning of ILW LLW at ENEA centers.pdf
- A J Bennett - Waste management in pie facilities at Winfrith and Windscale.pdf
- G. Pott - Abgabe und kontrolle radioaktiver abfälle in de heissen zellen der KFA.pdf
1990 - Riso, Denmark
Session 1
- M A Gugan - Decontamination as applied to the decommissioning and refurbishment of hot cells.pdf
- M. Tachon - Demantelement et decontamination d'une cellule blindee contaminee par les emetteurs alpha.pdf
- W P Stanaway - Early experiences in the cyclic use of containment boxes in the remote handling wing B220.pdf
- G F Hines - Refurbishing of the high active handling facilities at Berkeley nuclear laboratories.pdf
- G. Böhme - Fernbediente stillegungs-arbeiten an der WAK.pdf
- H. Carlsen - Plans for the risø hot cell facility.pdf
Session 2
- G. Brunel - Procedes de decontamination par pulverisation de gels application industrielle.pdf
- M. Lecomte - Prolixe résultats de deux ans d'exploitation d'une cellule de traitement de déchets.pdf
- Michel Chevalier - Assainissement et renovation d'une cellule de tres haute activite.pdf
- W D Curren - Decontamination to support operations in hot cells.pdf
- A. Chalony - Expérience de décontamination et de réfection d'une cellule d'examens et d'essais non destructifs.pdf
- B. Comte - Bilan de decomtanination d'une cellule d'usinage α β γ.pdf
Session 3
- G. Caporossi - Prevention, detection et lutte contre l'incendie dans les laboratoires chauds du cre Casaccia.pdf
- G. Giulianelli - Ventilation, filtration et etancheite des cellules chaudes dans le laboratoire OPEC-2 du cre Casaccia.pdf
- G. Pott - Neues brandschutzkonzept für das GHZ labor des forschungszentrums Jülich.pdf
- H.U. Staal - Fire protection system in the ECN hot cell laboratory.pdf
- L. Dörr - Messung der zellendichtheit in den heissen zellen des KfK.pdf
- J. Van de Velde - Reconstitution of irradiated charpy-V notch impact specimens for the pressure vessel steel surveillance.pdf
1989 - Karlsruhe, Germany
Session 1
- H. Enderlein - 20 Jahre betriebserfahrungen in den heissen zellen des KfK.pdf
- M. Herren - 20 Jahre betriebserfahrung in den heissen zellen in Jülich konsequenzen für den bau neuer anlagen.pdf
- D H Carter - 25 Years of operational experience in the active handling and decontamination building, A59.pdf
- G. Samsel - 20 Années d'exploitation du laboratore αβγ.pdf
Session 2
1988 - Jülich, Germany
Session 1
Session 2
- M. Herren - Brandschutz, Branderkenning und brandbekämpfung in heissen zellen.pdf
- M. Selig - Fernbedient reparierbares manipulatorträgersystem für heisszellenanlagen.pdf
- M. Tachon - Demantelement, assainissement et reutilisation de cellules actives.pdf
- Malcolm J Sanders - Decontamination in PIE and related facilities.pdf
- B. Gayet - Evolution des techniques de decontamination d'enceintes blindees au laboratoire d'examen des combustibles actifs.pdf
- B. Gayet - Une methode d'aide au choix d''un telemanipulateur maitre - esclave pour enceinte blindee.pdf
- Coquerelle M. - Caracterisation des verres a haute activite.pdf
- G F Hines - An update on the refurbishment of the active handling area at Berkeley nuclear laboratories.pdf
- G. Pott - Einrichtungen zur untersuchung von betonierten abfällen.pdf
- H. Frossard - Contraintes imposées dans l'industrie nucléaire.pdf
- L. Gumb - Fernbedienbare trenn-und schweissgeräte zur instandhaltung kerntechnischer anlagen.pdf
- M. Campani - Les installations d'electricité de France à Chiron pour l'examen du combustible irradié.pdf
- M.D. Jepson - Management of wastes generated in PIE facilities part 1 - WNL.pdf
1987 - Ispra, Italy
Session 1
- R. De Meester - Analysis of highly active waste of nuclear fuel reprocessing.pdf
- R. Duwe - Computer-tomographie an MAW-abfallfässern.pdf
- Coquerelle M. - Caracterisation des verres a haute activite.pdf
- G. Pott - Einrichtungen zur simulation von lagerversuchen von brennstoffhaltigen abfällen vornehmlich HTR brennelementen.pdf
Session 2
Session 3
- H. Enderlein - Die beseitigung der radioaktiven abfälle in den heissen zellen des KfK.pdf
- J Stiff - Part 1 Decommissioning a radiochemistry facility.pdf
- A. Daniels - Disposal of contaminated equipment from hot cells.pdf
- B. Schweigel - Kompaktieren von zellenabluftfiltern schleusen der filterpresse.pdf
- C. Guichard - Traitement de enfluents analytiques.pdf
- Dr. Manfred Ruhbaum - Behandlung von radioaktiven afbällen in der heisse-zellen-anlage der KWU in Karlstein.pdf
- G. Giulianelli - Installation effluents liquids actifs et doutes du laboratoire de cellules chaudes du C.R.E. Casaccia.pdf
- G.F. Hines - Part 2 Preperation for refurbishment of a cave line at Berkeley nuclear laboratories.pdf
- M S T Price - The management of wastes generated in post irradiation examination facilities Part 2.pdf
- M.D. Jepson - Management of wastes generated in PIE facilities part 1 - WNL.pdf
- P. Bourdinaud - Conditionement des dechets d'un atelier d'extraction de radionucleides.pdf
- W D Curren - Part 3 Decontamination and refurbisment of hot cells at Winfrith.pdf
Session 4
1986 - Brasimone, Italy
Session 1
- J H Pearce - Recent developments in electron-optical techniques for studying irradiated fuel and components in the UK.pdf
- L. Sannen - A new technique for desnity measurements of irradiated nuclear fuel.pdf
- M. Riviere - Prelevement par electro-erosion d'echantillons sur materiaux irradies.pdf
- Mogens Mogensen - Determination of fission products in irradiated fuel by X-ray fluorescence.pdf
- G D Button - Developments of in-cell computerized machining of irradiated components at Harwell.pdf
- D A Campbell - Dounreay experience in the use of laser cutting.pdf
- C. Soler - Communication presentee a la reunion des labos chauds des 21 et 22 mai 1986 à Brasimone (Italy).pdf
- A. Carcia - Refabrication des crayons combustibles irradies instrumentes par le procede fabrice.pdf
- A W P Newbigging - Manufacture of irradiated AGR fuel pins for re-irradiation.pdf
Session 2
- F. Baldaccini - Dementelement e l'installation de ventilation du batiment des cellules chaudes OPEC-1.pdf
- J. Guittet - La decoupe plasma en cellules.pdf
- K.H Schaller - An overview research supported in the commission's decommissioning programme.pdf
- P. Bourdinaud - Mesures de surete prises apres la chute d'une grue sur les laboratoires de haute activite.pdf
Session 3
Session 4
- C. Giustozzi - Influence sur l'environnement des examens apres irradiation d'un element de combustible rapide du type PEC.pdf
- Gin Lay Tjoa - 100,000 hours operation of the ECN , Petten, shielded creep testing facility.pdf
- J. Van de Velde - Reconstitution of charpy-V notch impact specimens for the pressure vessel steel surveillance.pdf
- P.E. Brown - Experience in commissioning a new active facility.pdf
- A. Besson - Dispositif pour mesurer la temprerature au coeur d'un combustible a fort taux de combustion.pdf
1985 - Cadarache, France
Session 1
- J.H. Pearce - Intrumentation to determine the radial distribution of fission products in irradiated fuel elements.pdf
- J. Müllauer - Messung der radialen spaltproduktverteilung an LWR-Brennstäben mittels der γ-computer-tomographie.pdf
- G Raw - The development of γ-ray emission tomography.pdf
- T. Davis - Qualtity assurance of post-irradiation examination measurements from nuclear fuel elements examined.pdf
- M. Coquerelle - Récents développements dans de l'analyse des combustibles.pdf
- Ph. Poinboeuf - Controle par ultrasons focalises.pdf
Session 2
- G. Caporossi - Adaption de la sortie de secours du systeme d'intervention en milieu hostile scalhene.pdf
- H. Enderlein - Dekontamination einer stark verunreinigten betonzelle.pdf
- M. Petit - Transformation d'un laboratoire β γ en laboratoire α β γ.pdf
- G Smith - Decontamination and re-furbishing of PIE caves at Winfrith.pdf
- G F Hines - Updating of equipment for the post irradiation examination.pdf
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
1984 - Harwell, England
Session 1
Session 2
- H. Enderlein - Abschirmkabine für interventionen innerhalb van betonzellen.pdf
- K. Schneider - Eine interventionsbox für die betonzellen des gebäubes 701 im kernforschungszentrum.pdf
- R D Bond - part 1 Dry suction cleaning and treatment with chemical foams.pdf
- R. Buch - Durchführung von Zelleneinsätzen in der KFA Jülich.pdf
- G C Meggitt - Simultaneous video and dose recording of radiation work.pdf
- G V Cole - Improved manipulation devices for use in small enclosures.pdf
- G. Streiff - Le télémanipulateur MA 23 M engin d'intervention.pdf
Session 4
Session 5
1983 - Petten, The Netherlands
Session 1
- M.A. Brearley - Development of a scanning optical microscope for examination of radioactive specimens.pdf
- P. De Regge - Analytical technique for determining the boron content in irradiated uranium dioxide fuel.pdf
- R R Brown - The in-cell use of laser micrometers.pdf
- A. Daniëls - A chemical decrudding technique applied upon fuel pins for chemical identification of the crud.pdf
- C. Guichard - Spectrophotometrie d'absorption a fibres optiques en cellule blindee.pdf
- E. Groos - Jod 131-freisetzung aus defekten LWR-testbrennstäben.pdf
- K J Hill - Practical remote viewing systems for the nuclear industry.pdf
- L. Greim - Inspektion von brenn.pdf
- M. Fromont - Mesures non destructives des quantites de gaz de fission degages.pdf
Session 2
- H. Oort - Conceptual design of an automated shielded direct access store for radioactive samples.pdf
- R. Sontag - Lixiviation et enrobage de dechets contamines en emetteurs alpha dans un laboratoire chaud.pdf
- A. Ferlay - Conditionnement d'oxyde de plutonium conteneur de grande capacite.pdf
- Calame - Reamenagement d'un cycle d'extraction en cellule active avec prefabrication exterieure.pdf
- Dr. J.R. Wakefield - Transporter system for remotely operated manipulators.pdf
- G. Böhme - Fernbediente wartungstechnik für eine schnellbrüter pilot-wiederaufarbeitungslage.pdf
1982 - Mol, Belgium
Session 1
Session 2
- P Hindmarch - Experimental determination of the behaviour of irradiated PWR fuel rods during simulated transients.pdf
- P S Fraser - A computer controlled machine for the assessment of shape changes of irradiated graphite sleeves.pdf
- W. Reisen - Messung der verformung und der spannungsfreisetzung.pdf
- H.D. Hebenbrock - Bruchmechanische prüfmethoden an bestrahlten druckbehälterstählen.pdf
- M T Cross - Development of a system for the metrology of irradiated fuel rods using photodiode arrays.pdf
- M. Coquerelle - Simulation thermique de régime transitoire sur combustibles irradiés.pdf
- M. Mogensen - Determination of retained gas in irradiated fuel samples.pdf
Session 3
- Walter Nägele - Zur quantitativen auswertung von komplexen fehlersignalen aus Mehrfrequenz-Wirbelstromprüfungen.pdf
- H. Enderlein - Die suche von defektstäben in bestrahlten schnellbrüter-brennelementen.pdf
- J T Demant - A high purity inert atmosphere cell suite for research purposes - design and operating experience.pdf
- J. Vertut - Porteur d'intervention adapté au démantèlement des enceintes.pdf
Session 4
- Manfred Selig - Fernbediente instandhaltung in der ofenzelle einer verglasungsanlage von hochradioaktiven abfällen.pdf
- Peter Francke - Behandlung und konditionierung von radioactivem abfall in den heissen zellen der KWU in Karlstein.pdf
- S A Cottrell - PIE radwaste - handling and transfer techniques in the UK.pdf
- K.A. Stradal - Drainagesystem für mittelaktiven flüssigen abfall an den heissen zellen in Jülich.pdf
- L. Hayet - Conditionnement de dechets trities au laboratoire chaud du C.E.N Saclay.pdf
1981 - Karlsruhe, Germany
Session 1
- Th. Schoots - A scanning electron microscope for the examination of highly radioactive material specimens.pdf
- V.J. Haddrell - The installation of a remotely operated scanning electron microscope at Berkeley nuclear laboratories.pdf
- Yves Kauffmann - Utilisation d'un M.E.B. pour l'examen de materiaux radioactifs.pdf
- A.C. Demildt - A shielded SEM for radioactive materials.pdf
- I. Ray - The examination of nuclear fuel samples by scanning transmission electron microscopy.pdf
- M. Coquerelle - Installation d'un microscope électronique à balaye pour examens de matériaux irradiés.pdf
- R.T. Sumerling - Techniques for examining radioactive materials by electron microscopy Experience.pdf
Session 2
- G. Lambert - Transformation d'une cellule β γ sous air en une cellule etanche sous gaz inerte.pdf
- M. Herren - Umbau und erweiterung eines labors der KFA jülich für die werkstoffprüfung bestrahlter metallischer proben.pdf
- M. Lauro - Modernisation des services du laboratoire OPEC 1, au centre d'etudes nucleaires de la Casaccia.pdf
- V.J. Haddrell - The refurbishing of caves at Berkeley nuclear laboratories.pdf
- A.C. Demildt - Decontamination and refurbishment of a hot cell.pdf
- Ch. Bauer - Errichtung einer bleizellenreihe HZ 3 für den umgang mit radioaktiven flüssigkeiten.pdf
- E. Jeantet - évacuation de l'appareillage d'une cellule blindée de trés haute activité.pdf
Session 3
- K.A. Stradal - Nachuntersuchung von bestrahlten gasgekühlten schnellbrüter (GSB)-testbrennelementen in Jülich.pdf
- C A Turier - The manipulation of water reactor fuel bundles at the Winfrith caves.pdf
- H. Enderlein - Zerlegung und nachuntersuchung des ersten KNK II-defektelementes.pdf
- Jean-Claude Van Craeynest - Banc d'examen d'assemblages irradies.pdf
1979 - Riso, Denmark
- A. Di Pinizio - Une expérience de démantélement et de décontamination réalisée dans la zone-arrière des cellules chaudes.pdf
- A. Daniels - Irradiation and contamination sources due to radon-emanations.pdf
- A. Di Pinizio - Refection de la zone arriere du laboratoire OPEC-1.pdf
- A. Daniels - (Abstract) Irradiation and contamination sources due to radon-emanations.pdf
- A. Daniels - Decontamination problems created by hot-cells .pdf
- A. Lachambre - Evolution de l'exploitation d'un laboratoire chaud.pdf
- M D Jepson - Sources of radiation dose in destructive post-irradiation examination.pdf
- R. Buch - Strahlenbelastung und kontamination beim betrieb der heissen zellen der KFA Jülich.pdf
- R. Evangelisti - (summary) Radioiodine removal from the exhaust air system of the OPEC 2 laboratory.pdf
- R. Evangelisti - Radioiodine removal from the exhaust air system of the OPEC 2 laboratory.pdf
- Risø National Laboratory - Metallurgy department progress report.pdf
- S A Cottrell - Control of radiation exposure in Winfrith caves.pdf
- S L Nayler - Current techniques and future trends in decontamination of hot cells and ancillary equipment in the UKAEA.pdf
- V W Eldred - Sources of radiation dose in post-irradiation examination.pdf
- A. Leseur - (resume) Problèmes rencontrés pour l'etablissement du bilan des produits de fission volatils.pdf
- A. Leseur - Problèmes rencontrés pour l'etablissement du bilan des produits de fission volatils.pdf
- André Lhermenier - Les problemes de contamination poses par la cellule celimene (2).pdf
- André Lhermenier - Les problemes de contamination poses par la cellule celimene.pdf
- Dr S A Cottrell - Control of irradiation dodes in the Winfrith hot cells.pdf
- Dr. Francke - Experiences in decontamination and reconstruction of a hot cell.pdf
- E.J. Higham - Studies of iodine trapping plant for hot cells.pdf
- G. Samsel - Current techniques and future trends in decontamination of hot cells and ancillary equipment in the UK.pdf
- G. Samsel - Les problèmes de contamination et d'irradiation du personnel dans le laboratoire chaud.pdf
- G. Samsel - Les problèmes de contamination et d'irradiation du personnel dans le laboratoire α β γ.pdf
- H. Enderlein - (Zusammenfassung) Ausbau der Doppeldeckel-Schleustechnik in den Heissen Zellen des KfK.pdf
- H. Enderlein - Ausbau der doppeldeckel-schleustechnik in den heissen zellen des KfK.pdf
- H. Müller - Die rückhaltung von radioaktivem jod beim betrieb der heissen zellen der KFA Jülich.pdf
- H. Müller -(kurzfassung) Die rückhaltung von radioaktivem jod beim betrieb der heissen zellen der KFA Jülich.pdf
- J J Hillary - Studies on iodine trapping plant for hot cells.pdf
- J. Schreibmaier - Dekontaminationsproblem bei beseitigung von ausgelaufener hochaktiver spaltproduktlösung.pdf
- J. Schreibmaier - Probleme bei beseitigung ausgelaufener hochaktiver spaltproduktlösung in den heissen zellen des Kfk.pdf
- J.M. Veau - Evolution de l'exploitation d'un laboratoire chaud.pdf
- Jean Vertut - Possibilites des teleoperateurs dans les installations futures.pdf
- L. Hayet - La sûreté d'exploitation du laboratoire de radiométallurgie.pdf
1978 - Saclay, France
Session 1
1976 - Casaccia, Italy
- R Sumerling - Recent developments in post-irradiation examination techniques for fuel elements.pdf
- R. Peray - Deux ans d'exploitation experimentale d'un laboratoire βγ pratiquant des examens.pdf
- M. Coquerelle - Evolution de l'équipment et récents développements expérimentaux au laboratoire α,γ.pdf
- Lucien Hayet - La surete d'exploitation du laboratoire de radiometallurgie a fontenay aux roses.pdf
- C. Cesarano - Design and safety criteria of the alpha gamma hot laboratory of C.N.E.N - Italy.pdf
- J S Waddington - The design and use of modular equipment for the post irradiation examination.pdf
1974 - Winfrith, UK
1973 - Geesthacht, Germany
Session 3
Session 5
Session 6
1972 - Petten, The Netherlands
1971 - Jülich, Germany
Session 1
- J. Vertut - Normalisation des equipements et leur incidence sur la construction des installations nouvelles.pdf
- J. Vertut-Step-Saclay - Standardization of equipment and the effects on the construction of new installations.pdf
- B. Houdaille - Problems encountered in α and βγ-autoradiography.pdf
- Commissartat a l'energie atomique - Metallurgy and nuclear fuels division department.pdf
- E. Roussel - Dimensional measurements on very long fuel elements.pdf
- H. Hoeyberghs - Thermodravimetric unit for the study of the fluorination of UO2 PuO2 mixed irradiated oxides.pdf
- J. Bazin - Electron microsonde analysis of highly radioactive materials.pdf
- J. Chevrel - Fission radiography and autoradiography applied to the study of α and β distribution.pdf
- Jacques Chevrel - Fissiographie et autoradiographie appliquees a l'etude de la repartition α et β.pdf
- R. Conche - Conversion of the cells in the radiometallurgy laboratory at Fontenay-aux- Roses.pdf
- P. Boyer - Neutron sourche for neutron radiography of irradiated fuels development.pdf
1970 - Cadarache, France
- K. Stradal - Apparatur zur messung der freisetzung von spaltgasen und anderer spaltprodukte durch ausheizen.pdf
- MM. Bernard Gayet - Micromachining in the active fuel examination laboratory, Cadarache.pdf
- U. Gallucci - Microsampling technique of ceramic fuels at Casaccia hot laboratory.pdf
- H. Erfurth - Disassembly and sampling of graphite ball fuel elements.pdf
- J.C. Janvier - Precision machining and microsampling in the irradiated fuel research laboratory and the processing.pdf
- Jean-Claude Janvier - Usinages fins et micro-prelevements au laboratoire d'etudes des combustibles irradiés.pdf