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HOTLAB conference 2014


Baden, Switzerland



51st Annual Meeting "Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling" Working Group.


Proposed sessions

  • Post-Irradiation Examinations

    (new method or infrastructure, material preparation, Feedback on FIB use in hot laboratories, material aging, getting ready for Fukushima PIE)
  • Remote handling

    (evolutionary systems for remote handling, robotic, refurbishment from old system)
  • Material and fuel accounting and characterisation

    (request for operation, safeguard or transport; accounting method; software, minimum characterisation.
  • Experimental fuel production capacity

    (overview (invited paper), focus on special need in near future and dedicated specific infrastructure)

Important dates

First announcement and call for papers: HOTLAB-2014

If you wish to be included in the email listing please email silvia [dot] jacobi [at] psi [dot] ch or ann [dot] leenaers [at] sckcen [dot] be.

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