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IAEA Consultancy Meeting on the Small Cask for Spent Fuel Sample Transportation between Hot Laboratories

04/05/2010 - 06/05/2010

Vienna International Centre (Room: VIC B1174), Austria



Terms of Reference (TOR).

Task: B.3.01/0 (New added activities)

The primary objective of the Consultancy Meeting is to discuss and further develop a specification of a small cask for PIE samples.

It is also expected that the experts from various fields such as safety, licensing, transportation and PIE will discuss on the same topic and develop an ongoing activity that will result in development of an affordable cask transportation system for nuclear research community in near future. The participation of fuel experts from the nuclear fuel cycle and materials section and transportation experts from the transport safety unit in the division of radiation, transport and waste safety is expected.


Scope of the Meeting

The focus of the meeting will be on the exchanges of the experts’ opinion on the basic requirements of a small cask for the transportation of spent fuel samples. The scope on the following activities is expected to be discussed at the Consultancy Meeting:

  • Basic regulations 
    • Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284) 
    • IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 
    • Package Design Safety Reports for the Transport of Radioactive Material
  • Chemical compositions of samples 
    • UO2, MOX, dispersion (MTR, Inert Matrix Fuel), metallic fuel, TRISO
    • Irradiated cladding and other structural materials
  • Quantity limit 
    • Maximum allowable content of fissile material
  • Activity limit 
    • Maximum allowable radioactivity of sample (shielding)
  • Heat limit 
    • Maximum allowable power of sample
  • Package dimension 
    • The most cost effective dimension of the cask
  • Weight of the cask 
    • Maximum allowable weight for air transport
  • Loading modes 
    • Comparison of horizontal loading and top loading 
    •  Docking with hot cell door
  • Licensing
  • Transportation cost

Participating Experts (Tentative):

  • Ms. Ann Leenaers SCK-CEN (Belgium)

  • Mr. Eli Tcherkoff TN International (France)

  • Ms. Anna Dormann Studsvik Nuclear AB (Sweden)

  • Mr. Gary Owens WNTI (UK)

  • Mr. Adam Robinson INL (USA)

  • Mr. I. Reiche Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Germany)


It is expected that the consultancy meeting will develop a preliminary specification of a small transportation cask for spent fuel samples. The specification will be used as basic requirements for developing a small transportation cask for spent fuel research community.

Registration info

The meeting is open to everyone but a letter of invitation will be required. If you like to attend and receive the LOI please sent an email to Mr. H [dot] Ryu [at] iaea [dot] org (Hojin Ryu )or ann [dot] leenaers [at] sckcen [dot] be (Ann Leenaers).

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